US deals blow against Chinese Corruption

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by ralphrepo, May 6, 2009.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    It's about time someone did something about the dirt bags that have been ripping off China and the Chinese people. Corrupt Chinese banking executives have been escaping to foreign countries for years, and often with millions in ill gotten gains. Thankfully, the US government is doing something about it. I hope this trend continues:

    In a rush? For a quick synopsis, just read the red highlighted lines.

    After serving their US sentences, I hope Uncle Sam renders them persona non grata and kicks them out; deport them back to the PRC where they can serve a few more years.
  2. AsianInvasion

    AsianInvasion Well-Known Member

    Ralph what exactly did those two men do?? How did they steal 485M? o-o
  3. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Embezzlement. It's the age old story of having people who are too easily swayed by the allure of money, handle large sums of money. As they were handling it, a lot of it fell into their pockets instead. -rolleyes Here's a story from 2004 that explains how long this had been going on and what it's costing China:

    In a rush? For a quick synopsis, just read the red highlighted lines.

    Financial fraud is nothing new. It is something that affects every nation, but in the final analysis, it's the little guy or the average man on the street that ultimately picks up the tab (either in tax expenditures or heavier transactions cost). As far as I'm concerned, this is one type of crime that they should have sentencing guidelines based on monetary value of the crime. Anything worth more than one million should automatically mean life in jail. Further, it's not just the US; there's also a lot of stolen Chinese money in Australia, the UK, and Europe.

    What we have here today is the US effectively saying to Chinese criminals that while you may steal from your country and flee, you cannot hope to flee to the US and live off the proceeds of your crime against China. I'm hoping that this is the beginning of a serious cross border anti-crime cooperation between the US and the PRC. There are probably thousands of Chinese living in fear of Snakehead reprisals both in the US and within the PRC. These are the guys that collect thousands from each of their illegally smuggled Chinese into the US, and threaten to hurt a family member in China if the smuggled person fails to pay. Likewise, they may extort money from people in China by kidnapping a smuggled person in the US or elsewhere. The ones hiding in the PRC has thus far avoided prosecution from US anti people smuggling laws. Many have connections to local government officials and Chinese Communist Party members, and have used their influence to avoid arrest. Perhaps now, the PRC would reciprocate and give those criminals one less place to hide.
    #3 ralphrepo, May 7, 2009
    Last edited: May 7, 2009
  4. a4agent

    a4agent Well-Known Member

    Canada and US are the heaven of Chinese criminals. There is another big fish still in Canada.

    This only shows the ugly side of the US you self-hating white ass-kisser LOL China has been asking for thse guys for a long long long long time, but US does not want to kick them out US. wonder you are a self-hating white ass-kisser of the garbage to mislead young
    innocents bystanders. Trying to paint these yankies as Mother Teresa ain't going to help..sorry, but everyone knows this Uncle Tom is a murderer. LOL
    #4 a4agent, May 7, 2009
    Last edited: May 7, 2009