You know, we complain, bitch, moan, comment, finger point, whatever; whenever the President of the US does something bad. But what about when they do something good, or something that could never have happened if the predecessor was still in office? In what I hope to be a continuing thread, when something comes up in the news that is a significant change by the sitting US president, please list it here. I think it would be a good way to look back over the next four years to see what if anything, a US president has done or not done on his watch. Thanks to all who care enough to participate
In a departure from the previous administration, Obama's FDA has become dramatically pro-active towards food safety. Instead of waiting for something bad to happen and then moving to prevent additional casualties, the agency is now poised to prevent any casualties at all. I believe this to be a major public safety plus and I applaud the move: Obviously, industry and producers are going to be up in arms over this. But my personal belief is, that public safety is an issue that we as consumers cannot afford to gamble with.
^ Obama, Change. This should have been the golden standard ages ago, but most companies turned a blind eye to mistakes they may have made during production of these foods and/or lack of employee self admitting to accidents on the worksite that may have contaminated the production routine. this is going to be a long haul for many industries but I would hope they adapt to these changes quickly and practice even safer procedures in the production of foods many americans would be ingesting.
Obama's Stem Cell Reversal w00t! bush and his monkey ass mixing religion with politics, this is the better for man kind!