[youtube]WlLgB2jDBqc[/youtube] omfg, i love both of them hahahaha more leah [youtube]wHLlncdUPVY&[/youtube] kawaii nee!
i love utada's reaction when she found out leah was right behind her ... priceless. lol. i actually think utada is much more attractive than leah is. she looks more "authentic" (if that is appropiate to describe someone) than leah ... maybe b/c she isn't mixed. -shrugs lol. anyways, niiice post, fearless_fx
haha that was funny well dont understand any japanese but can see the presenters are bit irritated seeing is that utada hikaru almost didnt recognise at first leah dizon is quite pretty
Well, the first time I hear a Japanese speak some good English. But that is due to the fact that she has been living outside Japan. I can see that both guys don't understand a word English. Looks like nothing has changed in Japan. Still very closed to outside cultures ...
wow...i didn't know leah dizon was that big in japan....but utada is looking good now when is she going to release a new album...i want to hear more of her music