On November 28th, Utada Hikaru made an appearance on the radio show, “au ON AIR MUSIC CHART“, which was broadcasted live in public from the TOKYO FM Shibuya Sapin-zaka studio. Since this will be the last time for Utada to participate in a public radio broadcast, 1,000 fans rushed to the studio to see her. During the live, Utada confessed that she was interested in getting her driver’s license while she was on hiatus. She also said that she wanted to work at a used bookstore. Utada mused, “I wonder who would hire me? Maybe a restaurant? But I really want to work at a used bookstore, since I love the smell of books.” As the show came to an end, Utada sent the following message to her listeners, “Recently, I’m feeling that if I keep focusing on something I’m good at, it will not help me grow. I want to try something I don’t like, and challenge myself to different things. If you are thinking that way as well, then let’s try together.