Vanness Wu (吳建豪) gave fans a first glimpse of Andy On (安志杰) and Jessica C.’s baby girl Tessa, who was born on March 23, 2016. The proud uncles shared photos of the first-time parents holding the baby girl, who still has her eyes closed! A few days ago Vanness and Philip Ng (伍允龍), who were filming a movie in the United States, stopped by Andy and Jessica’s residence to pay Tessa a visit. Vanness presented little Tessa with a red envelope, wishing her a healthy growth. “She’s daddy’s little girl,” wrote Vanness on Instagram. He shared a picture of Andy holding little Tessa in his arms and imitating her yawn. Vanness said the martial arts star totally melted when holding the small bundle. “May God bless your family with heavens eternal love and joy! Truly so happy for you brotha! Big big congrats to Andy and Jessica!” Creds: Oriental Daily
They known each other for a long while. I think right around the rise of van Ness a few year after meteor gardens.