Vietnam sentences 5 Chinese to death in drug case

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by BLR, Dec 26, 2009.

  1. BLR

    BLR Well-Known Member

    Selling drugs destroying people's life is a big no, no,

    Vietnam sentences 5 Chinese to death in drug case

    HANOI, Vietnam – A Vietnamese court sentenced five Chinese men to death by firing squad for trafficking nearly 8 tons of hashish in one of the country's biggest drug hauls ever, state media reported Saturday.

    The hashish — with a street value of $90 million — was seized from two containers full of blue jeans on a ship that arrived in the northern port city of Hai Phong in April 2008, the Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper reported. A Hong Kong-based ring planned to transport the drugs from Vietnam to China, it said.

    A court in the northern province of Quang Ninh, which borders China, sentenced the five men Friday after a four-day trial.

    Vietnam has some of the world's toughest drug laws. About 100 people are executed by firing squad each year, many for committing drug-related offenses.

    The court ordered the hashish to be destroyed. More than $180,000 and 19,758 pairs of jeans were confiscated, the newspaper said.

    Sentenced to death were Lu Mingcheng, 52, and Wan Huilan, 42, both from China's Guangdong province; Chan Kwok Kwong, 52, and Ngan Chiu Kuen, 42, both from Hong Kong; and Ieong Chi Kai, 52, from Macau
  2. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    They're executing five drug smugglers in Vietnam for transporting 8 TONS of Hashish? Bravo for them. The smugglers got their just deserts. Shame that they were Chinese. But I guess even we have criminals within our race. Who would have thunk it, eh? Maybe they should have used the insanity or psychiatric illness defense like this guy:

    BTW, I wonder how many Chinese are executed in China each year?
    #2 ralphrepo, Dec 26, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2009
  3. a4agent

    a4agent Well-Known Member

    You wouldn't want to get caught with drugs there. Another one to watch out for is Singapore. They executed HKese, westerners, you name it, they did it. Even China's drug laws are not as harsh compared to them!