Vietnamese and Korean Nationalist Claiming Chinese Heritage

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by HanZhu24, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. HanZhu24

    HanZhu24 New Member

    I just want my fellow Chinese members to be aware of Viet and Korean nationalists stealing Chinese heritage and spreading false lies

    Viets claims Chinese Mythology , Shennong is Viet, they created IChing , they claim that all Southern Chinese are not Han but Yue , Yue = Viet, they claim Hokkien, Hakka, Teochew and Cantonese are Viets, they brought fire arm technology to China, they built Beijing Forbidden City, they claim that Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan belongs to them

    [ame=""]YouTube - Vietnamese vs Cantonese[/ame]

    [ame=""]YouTube - Vietnam Contribution to China History:Ming Dynasty 大明国[/ame]

    [ame=""]YouTube - HISTORY OF GREAT VIET (大越å²è¨˜)[/ame]

    Koreans claim Confucius was Korean, they create classical chinese characters, they created astronomical instrument, Compass, printing, gunpoweder & paper, Ancient 4 Beauties of China ( Yang Gui Fei, Xi Shi, Wang Zhao Jun & Diao Chan were Korean, Chinese Dragon Boat Festival & the eating of Dumplings was a Korean Festival, they built the great wall of China, They claim Manchuria belongs to them,, First Emperor of China, Qin ShiHuang wouldn't exist without the help of Korea


    [ame=""]YouTube - Korean history - cultural plagiarism[/ame]

    [ame=""]YouTube - Korean fabricated own History[/ame]
  2. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    If you think that's something, there's a Black man on the internet that claims that the entire Chinese race was descended from ancient African explorers that settled in Asia, becoming the basis for the pre-civilization that was the precursor to the Shang. Hmm... But, the notion that any "nation" of standing that was the head of the civilized world at the time would purposely castrate its own young boys and then send them to China to serve the emperor but leads to one conclusion. The Chinese empire pulled the strings, and the ones that paid tribute in lives and treasure (coin and gonads) were but colonial resources to be used. Did these vassal states contribute to Chinese history? Of course they did, but perhaps not to the degree that some revisionists would claim or desire.

    Seriously, the thing about history and culture is that all men want their forebears to have been responsible for good and noble things, and all men fight fervently to avoid the sting of "bad" history. Did ancient eastern cultures intermingle so that present day Korean and Viet's ancestors may have contributed historically to the rich fabric that is China? Of course, and so too, did Chinese culture historically contribute to the tapestry that is now Vietnam and Korea. Chinese culture has been all of the above; good, noble, evil, ignoble; they have been greatly victorious and sorely vanquished. But the thing that stands most about Chinese culture is that it has endured, and that is the greatest testament that history can afford any race.

    The second Anti-Korean video is a real hoot. You can tell that it was authored by someone who is hell bent on reducing Korean history to be subservient to Chinese history, to the point that he shooting holes in his own theories. Korean written language was only used by low class? Shit, then that meant that low class Koreans were being educated while most of their Chinese contemporaries didn't even know how to write their own name, LOL... (heck, some didn't even have names, but were just called a number, by their order of birth, LOL...) History tells us that when a people are conquered or are yoked to another civilization, they generally take on and incorporate the communication methods of their overseers. Hence, when the Japanese invaded China, Chinese kids were forced to learn Japanese (this happened to my mother) as all schools were forced to teach it. Koreans learned Chinese because that was the language of their colonial masters. Chinese in HK learned English much the same way. But, just look at the usage of his adjectives, LOL... that's a real "historian" talking there, folks... LOL...
    #2 ralphrepo, Oct 6, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2009
  3. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    ^ .. lol ... wow ..need not to see much .. didn't bother to see the vids either ... lol
  4. mxth

    mxth Member

  5. lovetvb

    lovetvb Well-Known Member

    We are all African ! Our origin from Africa .
  6. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member


    [ame=""]YouTube - black people singing Chinese Mongolian folk song[/ame]
  7. hoi_lee

    hoi_lee Well-Known Member

    That is actually true. There are two theories about human migration. The Out of Africa theory and regional continuity theory.
    The ‘Out of Africa’ theory is a replacement theory where one species was replaced by the modern humans coming out of Africa. This means that any racial differences must have occurred at a later time. The evidence for this theory comes from the fossil and genetic evidence.
    The regional continuity theory states that there was local evolution in different regions from Homo erectus to Homo sapiens. This occurred simultaneously many times all over the world and in each region. Interbreeding occurred between the regions to maintain an interbreeding species but not enough to eliminate regional differences. Each regional group of Homo erectus developed into that region's Homo sapiens. Modern Chinese developed from the group of Homo erectus living in China.
    Well, this is what I learnt at school anyway. -bigsmiles
  8. Peacemaker

    Peacemaker Well-Known Member

    lol hanzhu24 if u are that much aware to differentiate urself from other nationalities u should never marry, maybe ur wife could be of vietnamese-korean ethnicity roflmao...
    and what about it if they claim it? who doesn´t want to claim nowadays to be the inventor of great accomplishments? but if u really fail for it, it´s ur own fault lol.
    i am more or less amused over ur overawareness, but it was a nice laughter lol