Wayne Lai brings life to the role ‘Chai Gao’, Feels Good

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Maverick, May 15, 2009.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Wayne Lai brings life to the role ‘Chai Gao’, Feels Good


    [How many 10 years does one have in a lifetime!]. This is “Chai Gao’s” favourite phrase in
    [Rosy Business] and this is also Wayne’s life motto. 24 years in his acting career, he has filmed more than a hundred drama series, his acting talents has been recognized and the roles/characters given to him gets more and more challenging by the years. This has added much colourful elements in his life, of course he was overwhelmed with mixture of feelings, feeling great and at the same time miserable. There was such a time when he convinced himself (not to accept the role) however, after he kind of cools off, he continued on this journey liken to that of a roller-coastal ride.

    So, who actually caused the stir in Wayne’s mixed feelings about the roles given to him? The answer is the producer Cheung Wa Biu (張華標). Wayned laughed and said : [Cheung gave me numerous challenging roles, and each time it gets tougher, for instance, [The Gentle Crackdown II] where he took on dual role with two different characters and followed by [Rosy Business], a low-class and not a likeable ‘Chai Gao’, as if this role is specially crafted out for me by Cheung.
    The more challenging the role is, the more stressful it is

    I feel the pressure of all the high expectations that people have on me. Wayne said : [I almost wanted to retire when I filmed [Gentle Crackdown II], and I told myself the role of ‘Chai Gao’ will be my last series. At most I will eat less!! My son is entering growing up, and I am an ordinary person. This is the struggles of an actor. When acting gets tough, I would think, what’s the point of going on? But when there is nothing left to do, I would feel life is meaningless after all.
    Why has ‘Chai Gao’ caused Wayne’s so much misery? Recently, there have been an outburst of online discussions on the characters in [Rosy Business]. ‘Chai Gao’ has successfully broken the tradition of Male Leads having super-heroic and righteous characters. On the contrary, ‘Chai Gao’ is a mysterious person, selfish, petty, inferiority complex yet draws a very clear distinction of what is love and hatred and have only loved Sheren Teng all of his life.
    Taking on the role as the 4th mistress, Sheren Teng’s role is also equally challenging, a slight inadequacy would have the rebounce effect on her role. Wayne has brought much life to ‘Chai Gao’ complex character. Wayne analyse that ‘Chai Gao’ is one who perceives that ‘character determines fate’. The portrayal of the complexites in this character is well-accepted by the audience. Wayne said ‘Chai Gao’ is his representative work in 24 years.
    Praises Raymond, Ron and Bosco
    Wayne was asked of his views about the what has been said of the current Siu Sangs not being able to take over from the veterans, Wayne thinks that that is due to the changes in the whole TV industry over the years.
    Wayne said : [In the past, the directors and actors are required to undergo one year intense training classes, for example, Johnny To, will give proper guidance from the perspective of the actor. But the newer generation of artistes lack proper guidance and training. Consequently, they lack the skills yet there are no solutions to it, the most they could do is to hope for a talented artiste to come by]
    Amongst the Siu-Sangs, he looks up to Raymond, Ron and Bosco. Raymond will be successful, he has what Andy Lau has, loved by the audience, half the battle is won. Bosco has his own personality and would be a character artiste. As for Ron, he has his base, with some talents, but have to see to what extent and how much hard work and effort his puts in.
    Reaping the Rewards
    Battling for over 24 years, he has finally reaped the rewards. He feels fortunate. [I am very thankful, for someone like me who does not like socializing much and still able to reap such good results, I will treasure every moment]. Wayne also feel blessed as he has a lovely son and wife, this is certainly ideal family. He also confessed that there were times where he had arguments with his wife but he realized that when a man and woman comes together, there must be a reason, that is to complement one another. Acting and maintaning a marriage are part of his life’s changing and learning process.

    Credit : Source: Ming Pao
    Translated by: choccho@asianfanatics.net/forum
  2. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    First Laughing Gor gets famous, now Chai Gow Gor ...
  3. ^ everybody gets a turn!

    good to see rising stars.... fresh faces...
  4. Valkrezy

    Valkrezy Well-Known Member

    That just proves how the new actors can't beat the old actors when it comes to acting performance.
  5. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    ... a Wayne Lai movie in da pipeline ... o_O
  6. RockkxD

    RockkxD Moderator

    Wayne has been awesome ever since he got main leading role, :D.
  7. rockman3

    rockman3 Well-Known Member

    What~~? Pls dont retire... I hope to see more of him~~ His most memorable drama to me~ will be Chu Pa Kai~~!!!!