Western Men Can't Get Enough Of Chinese Women

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by ralphrepo, Apr 10, 2008.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    If you read the advertising that supports this board and sometimes graces these pages, you'll notice that there are plenty of ads for those afflicted with "Yellow Fever" (ie white men who love Asian chicks). There's an article at nat geo that seems to validate that men of Euro extraction have been after women of the Asian persuasion for quite a long time. I just find it hilarious that its been going on for so long.

    #1 ralphrepo, Apr 10, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2008
  2. druidofclaw

    druidofclaw New Member

    Can't help it if we have the most beautiful women in the world.. it's not a superiority complex, that's just the way it is. :yes:
  3. Chibi12

    Chibi12 Well-Known Member

    I've never understood the facination but i had a greek friend who loved chinese women, asking him why - he said cos we look exotic - not sure wat he meant by that!
  4. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol well WE know we're like So Hot (the women) but maybe its because we're more sexier compared to the other women in the world, i mean , whod want a White chick when u can have a Asian one ^^
  5. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    Chinese women also have the characteristic of a slower aging skin/appearance
  6. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    man .. it's time for the Chinese men to attack the Europeans.
  7. RockkxD

    RockkxD Moderator

    I guess... some Chinese women are hot to them. Also, a cool mixture as well.
  8. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    haha, agree with ab289.
  9. AsianInvasion

    AsianInvasion Well-Known Member

    I would still prefer a chinese girl > european girl ^^ Asian girls are just soooo much sexier!
  10. Alot of western men get asian chicks cus they cant get western chicks. alot of asian chicks get western men cus it gves them a sense of security or even class if they have a low self esteem. or maybe to get what they consider to be pretty babies, God forbid they give birth to ugly asians babies. (sarcasm)

    look at this video below, the white guy is dating a asian chick but he drops her like a bad habbit for a white chick, and when he gets dumped by the white chick the chinese chick takes him back!!!!!


    All women have good and bad points, Western chicks tend to be fuller in body, asian chicks tend to be thin but cute then there is the in betweens.

    ive posted up videos concerning this, if you want to see them then look for them, they should be around somewhere.
  11. RockkxD

    RockkxD Moderator

    ^ Lol, that video is funny and dang, that girl is hot as hell.
  12. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Personally, I think the vid was probably staged. And hey, doesn't the Vietnam Dating girl in the "SaigonDarlings.com" ad look like Tavia from TVB?

    Oh and BTW, any examples of Euro Women going after Chinese men, or is this a one way street?-clapclap

  13. Nope, its not staged. its usually the men that go after the women
  14. lmfao not only there but don't you sometimes see the ad "Looking for beautiful asian bride" on this forum? lol it a pic of some white guy that looks rather creepy >___<

    asian girls are THE sex :yes:
  15. These too?

  16. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    err thats a disgusting vid, looked at it for like 10 seconds and then stopped lol.
  17. the one with the thick boogey is terrible.
  18. ok master_g way to ruin it i was more thinking the more on the lines of attractive asian women vs attractive white women......... and im saying ATTRACTIVE asian women are THE sex -tongue2
  19. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    LOL nearly thought this is another asianguy thread xD wow 1400 years old european guy found in chinese tomb...whats next...alien life form found in ancient egyptian tombs xD