What are girls interested in talking about?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by cloudstrife781, May 23, 2006.

  1. cloudstrife781

    cloudstrife781 Active Member

    Sometimes I find it hard to find something interesting to talk about with ladies. I mean, I'm fine talking to guys about sports, girls, games, and my damn classes, but what do the ladies prefer to talk about to guys? I know I sound like a dork, but hey I wanna know. Like what would you begin a conversation with? What are some topics both guys and girls will be interested in and have the same amount of input? Thanx. -batman

    PS: Something other than shopping and make-up, please...I already know that most girls love discussing these subjects.
    #1 cloudstrife781, May 23, 2006
    Last edited: May 23, 2006
  2. AVANT

    AVANT Well-Known Member

    Why would a guy talk about Make Up? Even if you're one of the few that use make up, don't talk about it.

    As for what to talk about... pick up a People magazine and you're good to go. Even a national equirer so you can laugh at how rediculous its stories are. When you try too hard to get a conversation, you'd only sound unsure of yourself. There's no "awkward" in silence to a confident guy, knowing when to stop talking is a great skill.
  3. shy

    shy Well-Known Member

    Okay, not all girls like shopping or make up. And if you're interested in a girl and you start talking to her about shopping, the latest trends, make up, or hello kitty, she's most likely going to think that you're either gay or metrosexual! I know I would...

    Each person has different interests/hobbies, so there's no 1 specific topic that you can chat about. The best bet is to talk about something that you both have in common. If you're taking the same class, you can talk about the coursework, which can lead to other topics, if the girl likes you and is receptive.

    I talk about different things with different guys. Some guys, I'll talk to them about lifting weights, some I'll talk to about hooking up cars, others, I'll talk to about video games or tv/tvb shows. It all varies and depends on what I have in common with the person I'm talking to.
  4. taichi_masta

    taichi_masta Well-Known Member

    Depends on the girl.
    Food...chick tv series...sex...

    And sometimes, you just have to just keep repeating whatever they say and offer no new information. The key is to look like you're really interested in the topic...when you actually know nothing about purses or shoes...
  5. politix

    politix Member

    hehe i like that....it shows that u are listenin to her too
  6. fho-ping

    fho-ping Member

    if you now the gurl..talk about..het interests...