What did you think of The Seventh Day's ending?

Discussion in 'The Seventh Day - 最美麗的第七天' started by popazn, Mar 13, 2008.


What did you think of The Seventh Day's ending?

  1. Excellent, just loved it.....now i miss it!

    24 vote(s)
  2. Good, it was different to the other ones

    24 vote(s)
  3. Satisfactory, it was alright

    17 vote(s)
  4. Don't like it, it was too rushed like most TVB series

    11 vote(s)
  5. Disappointed, thought it could have done better

    10 vote(s)
  1. popazn

    popazn Well-Known Member

    The series end at episode 20, although some might feel there should be more :p For those who've seen it all, what do you think of the way it ended? Were you satisfied? Or was it too quick and the resolution seemed rushed? Discuss it all here!
  2. Valkrezy

    Valkrezy Well-Known Member

    I don't know how to do the spoil thing to make it so other people can't read it D:
  3. mwai007

    mwai007 Well-Known Member

    lol nah dont wanna discuss the ending just yet.. maybe after the weekend
  4. RockkxD

    RockkxD Moderator

    It's always a good ending, not sad at all :D.
  5. azncrazycooler

    azncrazycooler Well-Known Member

    it was somewhat good, somewhat sad ... very mixed for me.
  6. kennyxiao88@hotmail.com

    kennyxiao88@hotmail.com Well-Known Member

    I liked Sasa n' Dondum's ending a bit better...But overall a nice way to finish off the story...
  7. popazn

    popazn Well-Known Member

    I don't like immediately turn good/ theoretically 'everything will turn out good' endings like most TVB dramas. But i understand very sad ones are not very popular with HKers, unlike Korean or Jap drama. So this one brings a balance of having some elements of reality of the disease' progression, whilst maintaining the aspects of quality, happy life they have gone through. It sort of turns around the 'fate' audiences predicted beforehand, retaining a strong life attitude message to audiences' minds. I think it is very good compared to a history of endings that have been far from satisfying.
  8. Chibi12

    Chibi12 Well-Known Member

    Found the ending boring, I too am not into everything turns out good and happy, even niki's death wasnt made into too big of a deal. Dnt know why HK pple insist on perfect endings, after all, its only acting, and shd reflect real life.
  9. Satisfactory!
  10. strawberri_angelbaby

    strawberri_angelbaby Well-Known Member

    i'm ok with the ending, just have a mix emotion. Sad that nikki had to die which made it more realistic and happy about bosco and natalie
  11. maybellina

    maybellina Well-Known Member

    The ending was good~ Touching when they were reading the message on the poster thing at the end. It's sad that Nikki had to die but it was expected ever since the episode where she discovered that she inherited her mom's disease. Although, I wouldn't know if I would marry the person I love knowing that I am going to die...kinda not fair to the other person...in my opinion. As for Bosco and Nat, it was so sweet what he did with the cartoon drawing :) Overall, excellent serie! I still remember last time when TVB made a teenage serie with 2R..it was sooo cheesy. LOL
  12. hkm91450

    hkm91450 Well-Known Member

    Just curious... how did everyone see the ending already? Is it not today that it comes out?
  13. the VCD ending was released for several days now.
  14. hkm91450

    hkm91450 Well-Known Member

    Oh I see! .... I never knew they had VCD versions for TVB shows.... I thought all shows were directly ripped from on air broadcast~~~~
  15. rockman3

    rockman3 Well-Known Member

    at least it doesnt end up with those 'sure good ending'....
  16. AznAce88

    AznAce88 Active Member

    The ending was pretty good. It was realistic in the death of niki but very sad, liked the bosco natalie endingg ;)
  17. liquidzyklon

    liquidzyklon Well-Known Member

    The ending was pretty good. Definitely a little different from recent past TVB endings. Emotions were a little mixed due to the two story lines but it was a good mixed. I am surprise with the slightly lower TV ratings though.
  18. tluu

    tluu Member

    satisfactory it is! I'm kind of glad they didn't go too much into niki's death. I'm pretty sure I would have been hella sad, but then again maybe that would have been a good thing.
  19. Xzyrus

    Xzyrus Well-Known Member

    Yea the ending made it quite complete. The whole series was well rounded. The only odd part was how Jessie somewhat forgave Don/Sasa after she through her huge fit.
  20. hkm91450

    hkm91450 Well-Known Member

    Okay, I am a Seventh Day Fan, I loved the series.

    But the ending, I felt, was pretty rushed. It was satisfactory.

    To be honest, I seldom watch TV and TVB series, only once in a while. I know TVB is not the greatest quality in the world. Is this usually how TVB endings are though???

    Actually, the whole series was kinda rushed, but hey, they only had 20 episodes.....

    Nonetheless, woo, go Niki + Kevin and Nat + Bosco :D