From : Thursday 11th December 2008 • Executive Dynamics by Nada Kakabadse A little recessionary adultery? Is the global financial crisis motivating people to seek extramarital affairs? Anecdotal evidence from FT columnist Lucy Kellaway suggests this is the case. In the process of doing research for a novel, she found that the adultery-enabling website Illicit Encounters has seen a 300% increase in registrations from London-based men in the financial sector since September. John Quelch of the Harvard Business School (over lunch with Kellaway) suggested that the increase has to do with desire for risk. Says Kellaway: [Quelch] said that, in a recession, people wanted hugs. This struck me as a pretty feeble explanation. Surely there are easier ways of getting hugs than putting one’s marriage on the line? Hugging one’s children or – if one is desperate – even one’s spouse might seem easier and safer. He said that this was just the point: that the risk was the lure. That bankers are suffering from a risk deficit: their working lives have been derisked compulsorily and this could be a way of compensating by adding risk to their private lives. Andrew and I have explored similar topics in our books The Elephant Hunters (about the behaviour of bankers) and Intimacy (about workplace relationships). We found a desire for excitement could be the impetus for an affair. Said an economist when asked why he’d committed adultery repeatedly: Why indeed! Well, I am hard working. I am ambitious. I do want to get on, so most of my time is spent at work. That does not leave much time for anything else. Second, I need to feel close to people at work, otherwise the place is boring. I like people, which means I am urged to get to know others, and for me to work well, I need to get to like people. In that sense, I suspect, I am not that unusual. Most people continue working in their place because they get on with people. I suppose the difference between me and them is, I am not as inhibited as them. I express myself that extra step. Will this recession motivate more people, employed or not, to “express themselves” outside of their marriages? We may need to conduct a new study…
I do not belong to the moral patrol. But these Goddamit bankers just have all the excuses in the world to do what they please irregardless of the kind of bullcrap they will spill to justify their obnoxious behavior. They need hugs ? Can't they get it from their wife and kids ?
From what I heard on another report, yes its completely legal according to the investigate reporter. Within 1 day after she register herself, she have left 20 "prospectus" and all of them are former bankers with time to kill ... whatever that means.. Most of the dudes she came across were balding.. lol You just have to tune in the way they justify their actions... my gosh... white can become black and black become white... Its spin spin spin... I mean they are even bringing bullcrap management talk into their own lives. All they want is thrill, money and whatever that keep them on edge... Sigh... Ill wind is blowing bro...
I can understand you see the humor in all this. Like I said, I am not from the moral police. But what really makes my head boggle at this is the kind of justification they can bring up to defend their simple lack of principles. I know what you are thinking.. Principles... who gives a hoot about that nowadays Right ?
Precisely. They can always get a teddy. Of all excuses in the world. Its truly beyond comprehension they can actually conjure that excuse without pausing to think how totally ridiculous it sounds. Everyone knows we are screwed badly by these *censored* ... yet, they are still off the radar screen for any liability and prosecution. The world can pour another 100 trillion to them, we are going to have more of the same. The gold standards of good principled management will is the key to turning the current crisis around. Yet, these bunch of sickos are still in place...