What do you call the people who make motion graphic, who use 3ds max, who use match moving softwre e

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by Dorotha Gonda, Apr 28, 2011.

  1. Dorotha Gonda

    Dorotha Gonda New Member

    What do you call the people who make motion graphic, who use 3ds max, who use match moving softwre etc?
    1) What do you call the people who make motion graphic, who use 3ds max, who use match moving softwre etc

    2)How much do they get?

    3) where can I work partime or full time?



    r4 card
    r4 ds
    nintendo ds r4
  2. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    1: Graphic designers i think
    2: how long is a piece of string?
    3: generally with these types of roles its not that easy, the market is full of people with natural talent, you'll have to make a portfolio, make a name for yourself and network like no tomorrow, if your lucky youll get a job, persistence basically.

    If your under 21 maybe you can get an apprentice if you call as much companies as possible and ask them for experience.
  3. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    motion graphics, you mean the 3d animators? Those who use 3d modeling software?
  4. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    I call it too much ad in your sig
  5. setshiro

    setshiro Well-Known Member

    if you don't even know what the job is i don't think you should be applying.

    there's no part time. the work is project based. you have say 1 week to work on a specific job but you could finish it in a day or 4 days but it has to be done by deadline and then you're given another. most of the time you'll have several sequences to finish and you can end up working 10+ hour days.

    it's not easy work either so i suggest if you want to do this as a career go to school. i only know the schools in canada but they have intense curriculum but definitely pays off. if you think you can master these programs on your own, download the software and get practicing.