What do you think about HOG 2 so far?

Discussion in 'Heart of Greed II - 溏心風暴之家好月圓' started by whitenight, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. whitenight

    whitenight Well-Known Member

    I just finished Ep 2 and I hope they don't focus too much on Ray and Linda's relationship. I didn't mind the relationship in HOG but sometimes it was a bit boring. It's not bad so far since they need to introduce everything, I think it will get pretty wild later on.
  2. yammer

    yammer Active Member

    I like this series much, much better. I agree they focused too much on individual relationships in the last series, but with more characters this time, they will have to spread out more evenly. The pace is much faster in the beginning of this series and I hope they will keep it up. I never liked the family clowning around so much in the last series (especially Ha Yue and Moses, bordering redicule!) Moses is wearning big glasses and raincoats in this one, hope that won't last. I like it a lot so far.
  3. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    so far i liked this series a lot, a lot more conflicts going around...and alot of story as well
  4. mulder99

    mulder99 Member

    not too bad and the pace of the story lines is quicker.

    too bad Fala plays a mute , but she looks so hot :)
  5. Hoang_X

    Hoang_X Well-Known Member

    the first HOG was kinda boirn the first few eps but this HOG2 is really interesting from the beginning, I think this one should be better

    BTW, anyone know the subtheme by Ray in eps1. sounds good!
  6. it's already quite sad and were only at ep 3. the plots more complicated in this series...with the children being split up. i like it more than part 1... so far.
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    both moses and raymond's love affair are pretty damn incest or like they have relationships with their relatives and such....Damn yo soo weird and nasty.
  8. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    ^Yeah true

    Fala's a mute! Hooray!
  9. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*


    so far i like it but i was a bit confused...
    when the mother in law went to the shop an started screwin SK...
    an she said ' blah blah...u made my son jump off building n depriving the kids of luxury...' etc...

    i thought Huh? the dad's dead?? n then i saw him alive? O___o? weird..

    the relationships are abit weird i guess..but i hope moses dont end with kate...its ewwww....lol
  10. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol, this is gunna beweird, lol anyway, r u serious, its gunna get a lot more complicated, as if the first one wasnt complicated enough, lol ......... whats with asian people and bil gor and bil mui being together...... -shivers-
  11. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    atm i thinkkkkkkkkkkk its famazing .... i finished ep 3 and i thought it was best ep i saw in agggesss....... moses is fhilarious as ever... right now i do think this is better then HOG1.... oh yh on some youtube vid fala said its actually better for her being mute cause she said her chinese is not soo great and all she has to do is learn sign language... im actually glad for her...... cause i think shes amazing..... any way next ep w0000t cant wait .....i saw preview and susanna aka the aunt pulls tavias hair WTF if i was tavia i will slap her
  12. yammer

    yammer Active Member

    Michelle Yim, the 2nd wife here is much more calculating and evil than Suzanna Kwan as Sai Kai in the 1st series, or grandma in this series, who would blabber out what they don't like, whine, complain and demand. Michelle keeps her evil thoughts to herself and always appears calm, nice, and cooperative while plotting her next move. I think Michelle could easily get the best supporting actress award because it is more difficult to play a 2-faced evil person than a loud and demanding bitch.

    This series is a big improvement all-in-all than the first HOG!

    We haven't seen Kate Tsui yet in the first 3 episodes. I wonder what her role will be.
  13. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    kates role is her vs tavia to try and get moses to be his girlfriend = the love triangle bosco will come in soon aswelll ..... bosco will be like kates roles trying to go out with linda as well as Raymond = another love triangle
  14. It's so sad already tho :(
    WTF is wrong with the paring of relationships tho o_O
    It's wrrrronnnnng T_____T
  15. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    welll it is wrong sorta and its sorta incest if ya think about it....... going out with your step sister and going out with ur adopted sister ..... kinda crazy
  16. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    someone told me Kate Tsui will play the role of Suzanna Kwan's daughter
    as for Bosco, hs just gonna be a co-worker with Linda

    and Michelle Yim is so evil!, much better than sai kai in the first one, just loud and annoying =\
    this series is much more interesting then the first one
  17. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    REALLY ... Susanna's daughter hmmm but isn't her daughter in that place that she came from or watever??
    oh yh have u guys realized that u know ho ma aka dai kai
    her name is lee szi kei and the younger ho ma is called yueng szi kei ... lmao both sora same same so they both called szi kei yerr lmao
    #17 ultim8camper, Jul 31, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2008
  18. They always come up with little sayings
    Like 'fu diao diao' XD
  19. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    this serie is really great! all actors are very good, the story is great, and its soo exciting already....
    one of my favourite serie x)
  20. yammer

    yammer Active Member

    I know, I have never heard of FU DEL DEL until today, but I am sure there are a lot of these terms I have not heard of. I heard that younger script writers were supposed to go home and talk to ther parents or older generations to research and revive older sayings and terms, especially ones that teach lessons or moral stories, sorta like Dai Kai's Golden Statements in HOG-1.