NO! Don’t close iit. Read tiill the end.... When she walks away from you mad===[ Follow her] When she stares at your liips===[ Kiiss her ] When she pushes you or hiits you===[ Grab her and don’t let go ] When she starts cursiing at you===[ Kiiss her and tell her you love her ] When she's quiet ===[ Ask her what’s wrong ] When she iignores you===[ Giive her your attentiion ] When she pulls away==[ Pull her back ] When you see her at her worst ===[ Tell her she's beautiiful ] When you see her start cryiing== [ Just hold her and don’t say a word ] When you see her walkiing==[ Sneak up and hug her waiist from behiind ] When she' s scared===[ Protect her ] When she lays her head on your shoulder===[ Tiilt her head up and kiiss her ] When she steals your favoriite hat==[ Let her keep iit and sleep wiith iit for a niight ] When she teases you===[ Tease her back and make her laugh ] When she doesn’t answer for a long tiime===[ reassure her that everythiing iis okay ] When she looks at you wiith doubt ==[ Back yourself up with the TRUTH ] When she says that she loves you==[ she really does more than you could understand ] When she grabs at your hands===[ Hold her's and play wiith her fiingers ] When she bumps iinto you===[ bump iinto her back and make her laugh ] When she tells you a secret===[ keep iit safe and untold ] When she looks at you iin your eyes===[ don’t look away untiil she does ] WHEN SHE MIISSES YOU===[ SHES HURTIING IINSIIDE] When you break her heart ===[ the paiin NEVER really goes away ] When she says iits over===[ she STIILL wants you to be hers ] When she reposts thiis bulletin===[ she wants you to read iit ] - Stay on the phone wiith her even iif she’s not sayiing anythiing - DON' T let her have the last word - call her hot. . Pretty and beautiiful are good too. - Say you love her more than she could ever love you - Argue that she iis the best giirl ever - When she' s mad hug her tiight and don' t let go - When she says she' s ok don’t beliieve iit, talk wiith her - Because 10 yrs later she' ll remember you - Call her at 12: 00am on her biirthday to tell her you love her - Call her before you sleep and after you wake up - Treat her liike she's all that matters to you - Tease her and let her tease you back - Stay up all niight wiith her when she's siick - Watch her favoriite moviie wiith her or her favoriite show even iif you thiink iits stupiid - Giive her the world - Let her wear your clothes - When she's bored and sad, hang out wiith her - Let her know she's iimpor tant - Kiiss her iin the pouriing raiin - When she runs up at you cryiing, the fiirst thiing you say iis; " Who' s ass am II kiickiing today baby? " IIf you do post thiis iin the next four miinutes the one you love wiill: Call you Kiiss you Love you Text you Guys post as: "II'd do thiis for my giirl" Giirls post as: "A REAL BOYFRIIEND"
sorry to burst ur bubble but the one i love cant call me, kiss me, text me at the moment cos they're sleeping :laugh2: but i know they love me
what guys want: their girls to NOT be so fucking annoying and nagging. just stop making these series of threads to tell guys what to do just because you had a bad experience with someone who doesn't know how to treat a girl right.
NO! Don’t close iit. Read tiill the end....My reactions (Not all true) When she walks away from you mad===[ Says: "Damn girls and their PMS" and walk the other way] When she stares at your liips===[ Try and bite her nose off ] When she pushes you or hiits you===[ Jab in the gut or BOOB GRAB ] When she starts cursiing at you===[ Bitch Slap Time] When she's quiet ===[ Remain quiet ] When she iignores you===[ Also remain quiet ] When she pulls away==[ *WTF is pull her back?* ] When you see her at her worst ===[ Holy cow! Tell her the truth, and hope that you'll never see that again ] When you see her start cryiing== [ Panic and run! ] When you see her walkiing==[ Pat her head and yell "WASSUP MAN!!!!" ] When she' s scared===[ New Party Member needed ] When she lays her head on your shoulder===[ Slant your shoulder and let her slide off ] When she steals your favoriite hat==[ Steal her packet of tampons and pills ] When she teases you===[ Let the Flame War begin! ] When she doesn’t answer for a long tiime===[ Provoke her til she reply ] When she looks at you wiith doubt ==[ Look at her in confusion and say "What? ] When she says that she loves you==[ WTF! ] When she grabs at your hands===[ Say 20 bucks per hour ] When she bumps iinto you===[ Shoulder tackle her ] When she tells you a secret===[ Blackmailing time ] When she looks at you iin your eyes===[ Death stare her ] WHEN SHE MIISSES YOU===[ THATS HER OWN PROBLEM] When you break her heart ===[ There's always another heart to break ] When she says iits over===[ GG ] When she reposts thiis bulletin===[ There's always a screw up version posted not far after her post ] - Stay on the phone wiith her even iif she’s not sayiing anythiing and waste your phone bills...hell no - DON' T let her have the last word I always have the last word! - call her hot. . Pretty and beautiiful are good too. Also making you a great ass kisser. - Say you love her more than she could ever love you And you're free to do anything - Argue that she iis the best giirl ever If you lose, then thats her problem - When she' s mad hug her tiight and don' t let go And prepare to have your ball sacks grabbed, twist and pulled. In cheeks case, stomped. - When she says she' s ok don’t beliieve iit, talk wiith her Make her angry, and you're surely to believe she's nto OK - Because 10 yrs later she' ll remember you When you're with another girl or maybe 10 metres underground - Call her at 12: 00am on her biirthday to tell her you love her Good idea, disturb her beauty sleep - Call her before you sleep and after you wake up Also call her before and after you're dumping and showering - Treat her liike she's all that matters to you And she'll dominate you - Tease her and let her tease you back If she does or does not tease back, provoke her with insults - Stay up all niight wiith her when she's siick And you'll be sick - Watch her favoriite moviie wiith her or her favoriite show even iif you thiink iits stupiid Don't forget to call a few friends! - Giive her the world No! Don't! - Let her wear your clothes And smell like a woman - When she's bored and sad, hang out wiith her Don't...its those PMS moment - Let her know she's iimportant Food is important too! ^^ - Kiiss her iin the pouriing raiin And share a few days of sickness and pain - When she runs up at you cryiing, the fiirst thiing you say iis; " Who' s ass am II kiickiing today baby? " Just prepare to kick your own ass or get your ass owned IIf you do post thiis iin the next four miinutes the one you love wiill: You'll get a free Cheeseburger from K-Mart Guys post as: "I'll do it for the burger" Giirls post as: "IT'S HAMMER TIME"
these are the ones that my bf does whenever i give back his hoody...he always complain it smells of girl -bowroflarms
lol its just how it is . i took it off myspace bullitien sum ppl think its cool =] LOL @ flame . i postd it cause alot of guys ask what a girl wants .. and here it is . stop hating it >:( *Merged*
flaming, your the man! i give you props for taking the time to actually edit all those...LOL! gave me a good laugh...
hm... i will remember this.... -devil lool.... and who will pay the phone bill ? -innocent thanks for this summary but.... this is soo mean, but true.... x)
i'm sorry if that came out in a mean way, but it was just a reply to all of the boy hating topics you made.. i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and back off.
*yawn.......... wat happen? i rather it go natural. following steps isnt one of my thing. But pretty good stuff here.