What is your limit waiting time at the doc's office?

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by negiqboyz, Mar 31, 2009.

  1. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I have an appointment today at 2:00 PM with the doc for a health checkup and guess what, I had to wait for two hours before I get to see my doc. WTF .. there's no point of making an appointment if you're not being seen in a timely manner. I can understand 30 min to an hour wait time but 2 hours . that's way too much to take .. by the time I was seen and left the building, it was 6:00 PM .. that's four hours at the doc's office for a simple visit. I can rebook the appointment but the next one available will be 8 months for today. WTF .. I am changing doc alright. I hated to change at first since he has been seeing me practically since I was born sorta speak but this guy is getting harder and harder to get an appointment. I don't wanna waste all day for a simple routine check-up. I can't imagine what would happen if I have urgent care .. I might as well head over to the ER cuz by the time my doc gets to me, I would've fainted or something .. I complainted to him but he just shrugged his shoulder. He is constantly overbooked but he can't avoided it either. He doesn't wanna turn patients away. The way may be long but he will see all the patient even if he has to stay after hours at the clinic .. that sounds nice, ain't it but NOT TO ME. Goodbye doc.
  2. [mJ9]

    [mJ9] Well-Known Member

    WTH,your next appointment would have been after 8 months?!
    waiting for 2 hours...happened to me once.I arrived 1hr earlier(the doc don't take appointments)first come,first serve...Guess what,there were 3 patients already there waiting.It was sooo boring to wait in this uncomfortable room,i was starting to feel sleepy but it was worth waiting...It was also the last time i went to this doc
  3. xdly

    xdly Well-Known Member

    OMG... what kind of doc is that? :|
  4. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    hmmm my last appointment with a GP, i had to wait 45 minutes :( but last week i went to the hospital, and i only waited 1 minute and boom it was me next ~
  5. zylo

    zylo Well-Known Member

    never had wait more than ten minutes
  6. many times you have to wait, thats just how it is.

    2PM appointment and leaving at 6PM is unheard of though
  7. xdly

    xdly Well-Known Member

    In the Netherlands... I think max waiting time is half an hour... and if longer... than you could irritate the assistent :p
  8. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    WAH! the longest i have to wait was about 40 minutes but that was when everyojne had a bug so the surgery was busy...
    however when i went to the family planning clinic i had to wait family and a half but there was appointment made tho..

    to be honest if im not seen after an hour i would have just left and f*ck 'em..
    when i'm rich i will soo turn into private health :p
  9. Xib

    Xib Well-Known Member

    I waited a full hour once on the emergency unit. I was bleeding kind of heavy too, they put a patch on it and told me to wait ... if I wasn't so dizzy at that time I would have yelled some
  10. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    ^ the A&E (or ER) takes forever because they are never organised... they only let you jump in the queue if you are nearly dying or the fact you have an allergic reaction...
    anybody else like cuts/heavy bleeding.. you got to wait...

    i took my bfto the GP today and we waited for 45 minutes again all because he did not pre-book his appointment liek a week ago and it was an emergency... n still took that long! and there were people that came in after us that got seen before him!! urgh... when he called the surgery up before we went they were trying to get him to go tomorrow instead when hehas asked to see a doc for 2 months :/
    pffft stupid NHS..
  11. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Oh .. did I mention that it was a PRIVATE practice .. ain't a public clinical or hospital doc .. I have private health insurance from my work .. that was why I got so pissed .. apparently, his assistant overbooked him and he had like 8 patients with a 2:00 PM appointment. What set me off most was the doc didn't apologize when I complainted but just simply shrugged his shoulder and told me the reason cuz he was nice .. WTF ..
  12. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    they are just being snobbish there but insurace privatre docs are a bit like public health thought because people seem to get overbooked coz high demand and all that..
    hence im gonna somehow find a private free and good doctor lol
  13. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    The worst part is waiting even though you have an appointment!
  14. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    trying to gain more money and thinkin they can do it..
  15. [mJ9]

    [mJ9] Well-Known Member

    i prefer waiting for a private doctor than waiting in hospitals.I could wait 3hours in a hospital because it's free xD
  16. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    FREE .. haaa .. I wish that was true here .. for Canadians .. yeah .. it's universal health .. here in the Bay Area .. there's no free lunch .. you gotta make sure what they give you cuz God know if they will slap it on your bill when you get discharge for anything .. a regular comp blood test costs $850 when it costs only $89 to run the test and urine test .. $130 when it costs only $0.30 for the test strip .. believe it or not ..everything at the big institution pumped up 10-20x the price of the actual cost and that trend is catching on in the private practice now. Healthcare delivery sucks here even with all the advance technologies cuz they're so damn EXPENSIVE .. no wonder people are traveling oversea for surgeries ..

    ANYWAY, back to the waiting time .. if it's FREE, I don't mind waiting at all .. unfortunately, that's not the case.
  17. [mJ9]

    [mJ9] Well-Known Member

    It's free but the technologies aren't that advanced and for a surgery,i think you need to wait 1 day...
  18. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    No need to get angry at him cause he didn't say sorry... He probably had a number of patients like you earlier in the day. Can't blame the guy for his assistant's fuck up. I mean at least he took the time to see you instead of canceling since he had 8 other patients @ 2:00PM.

    Not true. You'll still be as annoyed sometimes, but better to get the care than not at all I guess. That's what I always tell myself :p
  19. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    apologizing is part of the service .. i can take my business else where and it's what i am going to do .. his time is important but so is mine .. he has to make a living and i have to make mine too .. there's a need for appointment for a reason; otherwise, it's first come, first serve .. why bother giving out appt time. whether it's the assistant's fault or not and whether this happens frequently or not, i think it's his call .... if the asst is the problem, he should've fired her but she's been with him for a long time already so i don't think this is once in a while thing ..
  20. wongahy

    wongahy Member

    I agree with negiboyz.
    However, there are times when it is inevitable to wait. A friend of mine had to give birth and waited for 2 hours in the hospital. They just gave her a wheelchair.