Boy, judging from the number of posts in this discussion thread thus far, this series doesn't seem to be that popular. :laugh:
OL Supreme was actually the first sitcom i watched from episode 1.. til the very end. It had a slow startt.. but it was actually very good! I like to see this series pick up though.
LMAO! I actually enjoy this series alot! I hope it doesn't get repetitive and lame like Off Pedder. Don't kill me Off Pedder fans but I didn't care for it.
I always kinda like that girl named Kitty in this series, looks like she's having an opportunity here. I thought Edmond and Kitty might hook up together cause they aren't really main characters and it's a common twist in a series. I hope I'm wrong and she'll go out with Wong He.
How ironic .. I actually like this series .. on and off .. not bad .. I like the cast .. Theresa Mo, Wayne Lai, and one .. forgot her name .. good friend w/ Theresa.
I haven't started yet... Looks like the same staff from.... forgot the name... but it seems ok. Any recommendation???