What should I do?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by champagnee, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. champagnee

    champagnee New Member

    recently, my boyfriend has been really distant
    and not just like.. not showing me affection, but flat-out ignoring me

    he never calls or says hi or bye
    he hardly ever acknowledges me anymore and i have no clue what to do

    i bought us charms a while ago, for our birthdays
    and they were couple charms, but... i noticed he had taken his off of his phone today
    and then he oh-so casually asked if he could have his stuff back

    eg. "ahhh, i miss my stuff ~"
    "as in your shirt and necklace?"
    "yeah, can i have it back?"

    all of my friends say that this means he's going to break up with me
    and i'm pretty sure that they're all right

    they tell me to break up with him first
    but i can't.. well, i can.. but i really don't want to

    and also, i was talking to a few of my older friends (the older the wiser, right? haha)
    and they commented on how he asked me out and how it seemed like he only did it because all of his friends had girlfriends
    but then one of his best friends (julian) and his girlfriend (sienna) broke up and.. idk
    he (as in my boyfriend) seemed to get more distant from me

    i also learned today that my boyfriend used to like sienna
    he talks to her every night for a half an hour or more
    he always returns her texts and.. just.. idk
    he doesn't do the same for me

    i don't know what to do
    i want to stay with him because i love him a lot
    but from everything that's happened, i'm pretty sure he's going to break up with me


    sorry if this is confusing
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    confront him!!! =) if it is goin to end then end it now otherwise ask him why hes acting like he is
  3. wot's to confront?? everything is so obvious already... either rape him n get pregnant then force him to marry u... or accept he's not interested in u anymore...n move on... he'd rather talk to sienna than u... obviously ur not as important as her anymore...

    sorry for being so harsh... but i just want u to wake up... good luck...
  4. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    give him a nice rub and be a slave, or break up with him first.
  5. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Oh Snap -_-
    He's like forcing you to break up with him...
  6. sfucal

    sfucal Member

    you better go to his house and jack as much stuff as you can.
  7. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    Thats life, there's the good side, where everything will end up in your ways, or the bad side, where everything you hope for falls apart.
    So far things are heading off the bad side...
  8. d15z1sux

    d15z1sux Well-Known Member

    yeh just dump him b4 he dump u. :)

    dont think he worth it lol.
  9. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    you should dump him first like
    cos your guna get hurt anyways so it just lessens the blow for ya...
  10. yeah i think you should just dump him.... it's much easier for you to endure...
  11. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    wow... hes treating u like glass n u take it...???

    come on girl... u might like the guy but obviously hes not into u (anymore)

    =/ what can u do... now its just the waiting game n c when he has the guts to break up with u
    sorry but ur bf is a lame ass.... he probably doesnt have the balls to do it...

    anyway, if u cant break up with him just let him do it.... just move on la
  12. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    Just expect this breakup and get ready for it, if you can't do it.
    And also we got an awesome candidate for your next boyfriend if you do break up, he is Phil from Melbourne! He's still single even after 7 months of PA helpful advertising >.>"
  13. cl0ne666

    cl0ne666 Member

    whats the point? Ask him straight out, give him an ultimatum
  14. DKNY

    DKNY Well-Known Member

    How long did he take to make u to be his gf? I think u are only a substitute in this game. Sienna is the real thing he wanted to get. Did u do it with him? I hope not, or else u are a true victim here. Talk to him ASAP
  15. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Ah .. I think there was another kinda similar post earlier .. Again, my response is to ask yourself what you really want deeeeeep dddddooooowwwwnnnn in your heart? if you have even a slightest doubt about where the relationship is going, then dump him and move on . if not, confront him and see if ya'll can resolve whatever is the problem. who dump who ain't important . what matter is that ya'll can accept and understand it. if the guy has a change of heart, at least you know it's not your fault or whatever that it.

    honestly, as a guy, i'll stay away from you. nothing personal but girl like yourself who buy "couple" items are tend to be more clingy .. clingy can be scary sometimes.
  16. Babyvoice

    Babyvoice Member

    just let him go. there's no point in holding on to someone who doesn't feel the same way about you.
  17. tonkachi

    tonkachi Well-Known Member

    i think its time to cut your losses and end this relationship...it isn't going to get any better and he obviously lost all interest in you

    you learn something with every relatinoship that you are in things that you want in your mate and things that you don't want them to have...lets this be a learning lesson for you in what to look out in a boy.
  18. perfectguy4you

    perfectguy4you Well-Known Member

    I also think that you should end your relationship with him because you do not want to be with someone that has no interest in you. Obviously he already loves another girl and he does not want to be with you anymore. You both will suffer if you let this relationship continues. There are lots of other "GOOD" guys out there besides him, so meet another one.
  19. altima168

    altima168 Active Member

    Like everyone said just move on... no point in having someone that doesn't return the same feelings...