What to do?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by iris, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. iris

    iris Well-Known Member

    Okay so long story short, this guys been dating a friend of mine for a while, but she told him she just wants to be friends with him and he won't accept it. He's really obsessed with her and keeps trying to convince her that he's better than this other guy she might be interested in. It got to the point where he would go to his house and see if she's there, and would even take pictures and expose her lies if she denied his claims that she was there.

    Well, last night was when it got really crazy. She went out with him because she thought it would be 'as friends' but he kept trying to make a move on her and she wouldn't allow it. After she went to the other guy's house and he followed her.. he climbed over trees and scaled walls to get into his property. He confronted them both and was ready to start a fight, but my friend was lucky enough to calm both of them down. The guy called her a dirty slut and things went on from there.

    She called me on the way back home and told me what happened, and I worried for her safety. I suggested that she get a restraining order and such because it's obvious that this guy won't let her go. As the night went on, the guy was seemingly more depressed, telling me "it's finally over" and said really stupid things. Then he told me, I really need help. I asked him, what do you want me to do? He replied with, I don't know, but I'm feeling suicidal right now. I said shut up, dude, that's not funny. And he said lol, peace and logged offline.

    I told the girl, and she called him. And he told her that he took a lot of pills already. I don't know what I should do. Should I call the cops on him or something? o_o
  2. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    34 minute....if he lives or dies, we're not sure. Save him or let him die, it's your call now
  3. lol, talk about mentally unstable.

    people like that need to have their minds checked. going to the cops may be a good thing to do.. they could help him get treatment for his problem.
  4. iris

    iris Well-Known Member

    Well I got a text from him this morning, I think he lived through it. He took a lot of pills. But I'm not sure if I should still call the cops or not.
  5. i was just crazy over a girl but i knew when to back off and have a drink.. sounds like this guy needs support. Try to get his friends to help him out and get them to have a drink with him and don't let her even talk or see him until he gets over it. He has to understand to let go right, its a tough feeling im still gettin over it right now.
  6. lol in that case, just leave him be..

    to take pills even before a relationship has begun, that's taking it too far... yes, he may be feeling down, but to take pills? really?
  7. iris

    iris Well-Known Member

    They've been dating before, but she felt like it wasn't going to work out. So she told him she just wanted to be friends several times. He just doesn't get it. I feel bad for the girl because, I had reason to believe she was crying last night while was on the phone and he told me earlier that she was. I think his cry for attention is hurting this girl too. But yea, we told one of his friend what happened and he's rounding up his other friends to intervene with him.