Slender looking women, of no particular race origin. And if shes cantonese or oriental, she gets 100 bonus points! Cos we'll have more in common. But generally I'm not too picky, shes jus gota be slender, with pretty face! And lives, eats and breathes in the kitchen lol.. j/k
a smart, funny, outgoing girl who knows where she is going with her life... + not too clingy ex: I'm just a part of her life and not like .. her entire life. if that made any sense.
i'm not too picky, as long as the girl has a good personality and a light skin complexion she will be perfect. A cute face can't hurt either and for some reason, i think the more pale the girl the better. tan just doesn't work for me
1st choice: - surfie aussie guy with messed up blond hair, slightly taned and tall! 2nd choice and the realistic choice: an asian guy that is slightly dark, looking like his from either cambo or phillo, but if he speaks canto it's bonus!
hmmm, I really like the ones that don't seem to exist in real life. Y'know the ones from films who are cute, intellectual, sweet and just awesome in general......are there any like this in real life who would actually like me? Because if their are, I'm gonna chase you with a cute-girl net!! (too weird?!)
hmm according to my girlfriends i like good-looking but dorky blokes haha can't help itm i like snobish, goofy and intelligent guys XD