If my boyfriend is not up to par with my standards/expectations, I will break up with him. After I'm over him, then I will consider somebody else.
whoaaa ... high-maintenance chick >> lol. jk -noclue probably only if she cheated on me. as long as she doesn't flirt, touch, rub, sleep, and/or kiss >> another guy ... she is a keeper!!
alright i will make a list ahah i think.. - insecure - really jealous - always arguing about little stupid things - and of course cheating
I would dump my bf if he wasn't commited in the relationship.. whether it's cheating on me or falling for someone else for some dumb reason.
koga would be a good example for someone to dump because he is a fucking retard anyways, to answer that question, i would dump her if she cheats, slutty, bitchy..and the other bad words =]
*laff* It's not all about being high-maintenance. I said that I'd break up with him if he did not meet up to my standards/expectations, and you said "as long as she doesn't flirt, touch, rub, sleep, and/or kiss >> another guy"...so what? Is that NOT considered a standard/expectation?
hm..good question..personally for me..things that could lead me to a breakup would be: the gf trying to change me beyond any recognition of my original self.. i understand some bad habits can go but not my entire personality.. the same is also true for her, if she does like a 180 change in personality for the worse, bu-bye.. dishonesty and no trust will also lead me into the other direction.. finally, cheating on me will get the boot asap!
i would dump her if she.. cheated..kissed..touched..or do anything a "friend" wouldnt do wit another "friend"
if i don't have the same kind of feeling as i was with her in the first place, or i get uncomfortable around her. Oh yeh if she ever touches another boy behind my back, i'll kill the boy, well not kill but u no wot i mean dont u?