What would you do?

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by negiqboyz, Aug 23, 2008.

  1. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I am sure we all go out with friends for dining every now and then and split on the bill afterward. However, does this ever happen to you?

    You and your friends dine together at a restaurant, you order modestly but your friends are going for all the very pricy stuffs on the menu. When the check comes, you still split equality and your friend don't even offer to pay more. Do you think it's wise to speak up and ask them to cough up the extras dough to cover their shares or should just let it pass and never go out with them again?

    I personally think that if we're friends; then, I should be able to speak my mind. However, I believe that "mentality" or "way of thinking" only apply in grade school or college. When you step out to the workforce, doing so will somewhat hurt the friendship. What to do? Friendship or the wallet???
  2. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    err .. i don't think a small thing like that should hurt a friendship ... =\
    but anyways, how we split the bill basically depends on who i go out with. there are some friends that i go out with and we order together and share everything, so everyone eats an equal amount and we split the bill evenly. some friends we will order separately and pay what we each owe+tips

    and i don't think that mentality should only apply to grade school or college. anytime in your life, you work for your money, so it's not fair that you have to pay other people's share unless you want to. next time, i say speak up. just tell them that you're only going to pay for your meal because they eat so much. if you don't want it to seem mean or greedy or something, then make it sound like a joke. i do it all the time, and people are fine with it. if you don't say anything, they will assume you're ok with splitting the bill like that
  3. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    yeah depends on the group...
    and how we order

    if its stuff to "share" amongst everyone, then we just split evenly
    even if some don't drink or eat certain food

    other times we just add up our own and pay that...

    in the end, a few $$ here and there shouldn't affect friendship
    its not about the $$ anyway
    it's about the company your in!

    many times if it's just a few of us, one person pays for all, and next time someone else pays... doesn't really matter which one costs more or less... its the thought
  4. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    get separate bills =p
  5. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    when the waiter or waitress asks 'would you like seperate bills?'

    you say 'yes.'

    and then you never have a problem again.

    if im out with like 5+ people then we just all contribute equally, something like that its not worth bothering splitting up, if you feel you didnt eat your share or someone at more then just suck it up.
  6. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    If we share, that's the only time I would ever split the bill evenly...

    Otherwise, we try to get seperate bills... and we pay our ends... if someone can't pay then, someone will cover and offer to pay next time...

    once in a while, someone does need to pay more cuz hell, we don't carry calculators with us... why ruin the mood between friends and argue over $5-15 extra? People will see that u covered that extra, and offer to pay it, or treat u out for it next time...
  7. nick5338

    nick5338 Member

    maybe u should speak up, but in a jokey way...
  8. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    all that trouble over a few $$ ... meh...
  9. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    If that's the situation, separate bills or order something more pricey!
  10. monokuro

    monokuro Member

    lol then after eatting everyone has no money left to pay for anything

    just speak up, maybe they thought u didnt mind paying a little extra thats why they take advantage, seems logical?:p
  11. babs

    babs Well-Known Member

    if you cant get seperate bills then make sure you grab the bill when it comes and tally up you total and say that your total for your meal is $XXX they will get the hint after that if they have a brain. this way, no chance of stepping on any toes or causing a scene
  12. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    hell it was my good friends I would tell em exactly what I thought!

    I'd tell his cheap ass to pay more!!!!
  13. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    exactly, there's no big fuss here. or just order the most expensive thing available next time lol if ur rele that fussed.
  14. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    well, haven't said anything yet thus far but things are like that all the time when we hang out. they never offer to pay more or anything in that regards. i didn't mind so much before but now that i have family where money is tighter, i begin to see it as a prob. i think the separate check is a good idea but not everywhere will do that for you. i am not gonna order expensive stuffs just to get even; seems harsh. as good friends though, one would think that they get the hint that i am order moderately and have a family now. anyhow, i don't understand how they keep order stuffs when they can't afford them on their own; just only when we hang out together. sup w/ that .. never confront them with that.. i guess i am too much a pleaser ..
  15. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    dude you can always ask for separate bills
  16. gawain187

    gawain187 Well-Known Member

    I would probably ditch those friends, so what if I end up breaking friendship with them, who needs friends like these.
  17. mick87

    mick87 Active Member

    friendship should not be look into money...
    u may sometime treat them or they treat u back...
    easy bill and better friendship
  18. gawain187

    gawain187 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Friendship is more about helping each other when in need. But not used for their fortunes
  19. it has happened quite a few times and after awhile it does get annoying and i do speak up, but if its just like a few dollars i don't mind to much.... w/e work an extra hour and make up a meal lol
  20. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    breaking up over a few $$
    great "friend" u'd be??

    wen u go out... its not really about which is the most expensive
    it's more of what u feel like eating, if u like it, do it...
    it's not like u can't share it ...