I've begun working out recently My biceps are are good but forceps and triceps feel a little flimsy. and my question is what's a good exercise to work out the forceps and triceps? Like what's the best weight machine and physical excercise with weights and thumbells?
depends on how you move your dumbell... for triceps you have to swing it backward behind you head....or if you have a bench placeone of your knees onto the bench and bend your body around 45 degrees from the bench....and swing the dumb bell outwards with your arms stretching parallel to your body... found an interesting site for illustration http://www.exrx.net/Lists/ExList/ArmWt.html
forecep i think is mean, forearm?? that muscle don't need to work on, coz it is constantly work on whenever you grip the bar.. so no need to put more strain on that muscle, coz you won't able to grab it if you need to lift any weight if that muscle is too tire.. you're a guy, right?? just play with yourself.. that's the only exercise you need for forearm anyway bicep there are a bunch of curls you can do, with both hand and single hand.. tricep you can do tricep pushdowns and skull crushers.. those are very basic movement, but they can get you started
Yeah am a dude. will do will do to work on my forearms. Who's they and how can they get me started? You mean trainers man who needs trainers.
hahaha... forearms just use the curl bar, move your wrist up and down slowly. Triceps... too many machines and workout for it. If you are just beginning with your workout... just do some backward push ups and close grip bench press.