hmm mine would have to be my height i want to be taller and i wanna look more light skinned.. hmm i think thats about it.. lol
Overall, I'm pretty content with my body. The thing I like the most is my ass & abs. Sometimes, I don't like my calves...they're a little on the thick side, but they're not fat...I can attribute that to all the track I did when I was in high school.
I would like to change everything T__T. Seriously, i don't like my legs, my mouth and my short brow. People always tell me i look like the girl in " The Ring " xD because my hair always hides my face. In a word, i've a lot of hang-ups
muhahahaha !!! U ALL SUX... i'm just kidding... -sweat but i would like to grow like 3 more inchese like 5"12
Why does everyone want to be taller? To me, usually tall people are uglier. They are either abnormally proportioned, face is deformed, lanky, or just not curvy to my liking =P
What is considered under height? My drivers license says I'm 175cm, but with my amazingly great looks, and stunning personality, and immense wealth, I'm sure the chicks don't mind -worship
wow ur only 175? ur short im 176 =D i find it perfect height for asian guys, the asian girls arent too short and not too tall next to ya.
im about the same, 170 -180 not sure hahaha i stand nxt to short ppl to make myself look tall hahaha -lol
I don't know anything that I would want to change IN my body. But yea.. the usual.. I wish i was taller. I'm 5'1 and a bit. Everyone looks down at me when they talk to me! The looks are decent enough
i would change my flat button nose... i admire those who have a gorgeous profile.. they make you look good in all angles of the camera... =(
but then again it's the same old story... you will never be satisfied with your matter's human nature to covet what others have
i want to be a litte taller, like 3 inches, cuz my gf is taller than me.... dam 5'12 only 5'10.5
5'12? lol I think you mean 6 ft. There's no such thing as 5'12...after 5'11 it's 6 ft. Dang! Your gf is tall for a girl! What nationality is she? If you don't mind me asking..
WOw 6ft thats tall im only 5'7 well im happy with my height im not tall and not short .... mmm what would i like to change about myself im not sure really .... my hair maybe i want it to be jus a lil longer lol mmm or i would like nicer curves -sweat not really but if i have to pick something -^_^
well, im only 14 so i can't write write. sue me anyways, she's chinese, hong kong. yeah. dam she's tall.
probably my nose, I have one of those roundish chinese noses, but on the other hand, thats part of what makes me, me. So if I had the choice i probably would not change it--other than that I'm happy with the way I am