What's your Favourite Chinese Poem?

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by xiaojia, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    This poem has been my favourite since young. Its about anger management.


    人生就像一場戲 因為有緣才相聚
    相扶到老不容易 是否更該去珍惜
    為了小事發脾气 回頭想想又何必
    別人生气我不气 气出病來無人替
    我若气死誰如意 况且傷神又費力
    鄰居親朋不要比 兒孫瑣事由他去
    吃苦享樂在一起 神仙羨慕好伴侶

    I tried to translate to english but it was terrible >.<

    Basically, this poem focuses on relationships and how we should avoid getting angry. Relationships are formed due to fate and we should cherish them. Do not get angry over trivial matters as you will look upon them with regret. Do not compare with others.

    So what's your favourite chinese poem? Kind to share?
  2. wonderful_life

    wonderful_life New Member

    heeyy, I like it. Though there are some characters that I still have trouble deciphering, I get the gist of it. It's admirable that you would actually come up with this topic since probably 50-70% of people in here can't read Chinese. I like the one that keeps coming up about love ... in pinyin it goes like, "ching wai hor mut ... jik gou sanhg say surn hui." I would go find it if I wasn't so lazy. There are lots by Li Bach (SP?) that I like, especially his poem on the drinking and the moon.
  3. U kno the one in Journey to the West...
    The one piggy says all the time...
    Does that count as a poem?
    Thats all I can think of atm -lol

    Or the one Dicky says in some other film...
  4. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    原作者: 元好問

    摸魚兒. 雁丘詞

    問世間,情為何物, 直教生死相許?
    天南地北雙飛客, 老翅幾回寒暑?
    歡樂趣, 離別苦,就中更有癡兒女。
    橫汾路 寂寞當年蕭鼓 荒煙依舊平楚
    招魂楚些何嗟及 山鬼暗啼風雨
    天也妒 未信與 鶯兒燕子俱黃土
    千愁萬古 為留待騷人 狂歌痛飲 來訪雁丘處


    I found the above poem from the above website. Not sure if that was what you refering to though, cos instead of mandrin pinyin, u used cantonese pinyin which I couldn't really read. :D

    It appears that the first line is the one mostly used, perhaps made famous by Jing Yong in his book: Return of the Condor Heroes.

    and I came across the translation for the first 4 lines from the below website and found it to be fairly accurate. I couldn't have done better.

    "Tell me, what is love in this temporal world, which make lovers pledge each other their lives?
    Travelling always side by side from one end of the earth to another, how many years have this feathered couple shared?
    Meeting is pleasure, parting is pain, but then there are always men and women who practise all these with fondness.
    Tell me, beyond the thousand layers of cloud and snow-capped mountains glimmering in the twilight, where the lone shadow should go."

    evil_mui: haha.. I can remember which poem that would be... maybe someone else can help

    O.. and I seriously didn't know that most users can't read Chinese in this forum, if not I wouldn't have come up with this thread -noclue

    haha.. o well.. n apologies for the traditional Chinese fonts. I don't have simple Chinese fonts on my com. :D
  5. ai0304

    ai0304 Active Member

    I got some, but I don't know how to type in.. sorry...
  6. AnnieS

    AnnieS Active Member

    I have some, but I can't type Chinese characters on my keyboard >_<

    Anyway, I like Tu Fu and other poets in Tang Dysnasty the most.
  7. lynxd

    lynxd Well-Known Member

    燕詩 白居易

    梁上有雙燕 翩翩雄與雌
    銜泥兩椽間 一巢生四兒
    四兒日夜長 索食聲孜孜
    青虫不易捕 黃口無飽期
    嘴爪雖欲敝 心力不知疲
    須叟十來往 猶恐巢中飢
    辛勤三十日 母瘦雛漸肥
    喃喃教言語 一一刷毛衣
    一旦羽翼成 引上庭樹枝
    舉翅不回顧 隨風四散飛
    雌雄空中鳴 聲聲呼不歸
    郤入空巢裡 啁啾絡夜北
    燕燕爾勿悲 爾當反自思
    思爾為雛日 高飛背母時
    當時父母念 今日爾應知

    I thought this poem was very touching. Using birds to portray people in real life and how the parents takes care of their kids, feeds them, and everything until they can fly on their own. Once the kids can fly on their own, they leave their home and never came back, until their parents died.. then they know how much they miss them, but it's already too late.
  8. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    hey.. great poem! And I tot this thread was gg to be dead since apparently not many ppl can actually type or read chinese.

    I think the poem is rather touching... especially the last few verse. Thanks for sharing