What sport do you play? For Me... Its Nothing LoL I just like to hit up the gym and keep physically fit. Im also into target shooting and guns... its a sport, but not a physical one. Altho it takes NERVES of steel and skill to be good.
I'm usually do running, or swimming Oh yes and I love badminton haha I'm not really into "heavy" sports
hockey basketball umm i would play football but u can never get that many guys ta wanna play and yeah with out a large group it would just suck. errr soccer but not often ... wouldnt mind lacross hit hit whack hit wack check pass pass check hit hit wack ohh sounds like fun hahaha <= i like that smiley
basketball, baseball, football, tennis...haha, and also every other sports that does not include water...I CANT SWIM!!!
does any one play these competitively ? I was a Starter on my Grade 10 Basketball team... That was about as much glory i got. I was also invited to a vince carter summer basketball league by My school coach for free. That was sooo awesome, but i declined because i got a job.. =(
I've always been into rugby and football. I don't like watching football but the full-on hard contact, and tackling is so much fun. I really enjoyed it when I was on the boys football team in grade 9 and 10.
oh i should have mentioned that i was referring to the downhill variety. i havent tried cross country. although i ive seen someone go down the hill on a cross country skiis. the style is a bit different.