What's your worst dating experience?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by BabyRain, May 3, 2007.

  1. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Have you had a disastrous dating experience before? If so, what happened? Would you go out with the person again?

    I have been lucky in that of all the dates I have been on, there's only like one or two bad ones. One of them was this guy I went out with. There's two of us, me and my friend (gal) and him. We got to know him from the Internet and he showed us his pic.
    Things started to go wrong when he turned out looking far different from the picture. My friend took an instant disliking to him, and vice versa.
    Then we went to a bar. This guy ordered a beer, but didn't ask us what we wanted :p Then he paid HIS mug of beer with credit card (which was about 10 bucks or so) without offering to pay for us as well... Lol a complete turn-off -doh after all his 'bragging' abt his income blablabla. He was so self-centred that all he talked about during the 'date' was himself.
  2. Maybe you should have Kdotc over here.... Buy you a drink....

  3. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^If he starts doing that on a date, that would top my worst :D
  4. HAHahah... I forgot to add -rotfl ahahha....-lol

    damn so what was that guy?? Malaysian?? that ish is pretty weak..
  5. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Ya but don't let him tarnish the image of M'sian guys... Most of them are quite gentlemen... de ones I've met I mean.
  6. Jun

    Jun Well-Known Member

    did he send u a pic of brad pitt? rofl...lol ecko, jackasses like these can be found all over m'sia especially in KL
  7. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    this isnt a 'date' its just an outing.... a date is a guy and a girl 1 on 1... in which case he might have paid for you. Since there were three people there, you and your friend and him, he probably thought it was just an occasion to meet and talk. you're being too harsh on this dude... just cuz he paid for his own stuff with his credit card and didnt pay for yours... its not like he was obligated to pay for your stuff -er it was ur very first meeting.
  8. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Not just that.. But mostly gotta do with his attitude and his bragging. And he was the one who asked us both out neway. Not just the paying part, well at least ask us what we wanna order. Coz the bar's some place away and we had to go there ourselves. Neway I dunno abt in the States or newhere else, but not many people here would sign credit card for RM10. (in fact he's the only one I have seen so far)
    It wouldn't hurt him to pick up the tab and we'd haf offered to pay our share later.
  9. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Nah just that he looks way different from his pic.. haha. My fren and I were like debating whether to go up to him or not. She wanted to go off.
    All over m'sia esp KL? Sure hope u r not one of them :p
  10. Jun

    Jun Well-Known Member

    @babyrain - how could he look way different? couldnt picture it myself but i assume u and ur friend arent too fond of it =P...the college i used to study in have the reputaion of having snobbish students and i think its quite true haha...its sunway university college if ur wondering

    i dont think im one of them but its up to the ladies to decide that ;D
  11. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    My first year at university, my friend & I double dated 2 Japanese girls we met during our first week. We took them to a restaurant & had a pretty good time at the meal. When we were ready to leave, my friend & I were all prepared to pay for the entire meal. I believe a gentleman should always pay for at least the first 3 meals.

    But before the bill arrived the girls asked us, "aren't you guys going to take care of the bill now?" Even though we were going to pay, we were so disgusted at that comment that we changed our minds and just split the bill equally. Needless to say, there was no second date.
  12. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    nice, put those bitches in their place -rockon
  13. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    @Jun: I used to study in sunway too... haha I tot it was like the Beverly Hills 90210 of Malaysia...

    @ribsandbbqbeef: Lol... they actually asked that?! So uncool! Make us ladies look bad.
  14. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    Wow, that guy's pretty cheap. You have to be careful with online dating; especially with misrepresentation. I guess I'm old school, I believe the 'walk up to a girl and ask her out in person' method is still the best. Both people are able to size up the other person by the way they talk, dress, and carry themselves.
  15. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Oh well like I said, out of all the online datings I have been on, that's the least memorable 1... So far all de rest were pretty OK. Some have remained kinda good frens with me.
  16. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    Well, that was the only time that any girl has said that to me; so hopefully that's just an isolated incidence =P

    My friend told me afterwards that it was because they were japanese girls lol =P l dunno *shrugs*
  17. Jun

    Jun Well-Known Member

    omg fellow sunway student -what? what a coincidence...when was u a student there?

    @ribsandbbqbeef - those are prolly extremely whitewashed japanese girls
  18. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member


    I suppose. I haven't dated another Japanese since; not because I didn't want to, but just didn't meet any other Japanese girls I was attracted too.

    And yes, they were pretty Americanized
  19. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Erm, it is very common for Japanese to split their bills, even when they're dating. (sometimes, even married couples split their bills!)
    But I do understand you and your friends reaction if you didn't know about that as it may come across as very rude to you.
  20. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^I think u misread his post Taxloss >.<