Oh well, since i haven't answered it before... I would prefer not too big a gap. Probably sth like 5 yrs and over would count as a big gap for me.
I voted 10-12 years since that's kinda when generation gaps are beginning to appear. But one is not allowed to answer old topics. Weird rule but true....
Well I guess 10-12 years gap will show more.. but I like a guy who can stay young with me lol and doesn't look wrinkly or balding too soon... that's y i went for 5 yrs...
i think <5 yrs is ok. more than that, hhmm ... gravity takes over and i like perky-ness. so no >5 yrs older.
I don't mind so much about having an older boyfriend, probably up to like 5-8 years. But I get edgy around younger guys because they tend to be more immature (generally) so nobody 2 years younger than me... Unless he's mature beyond his age.
Depends whos older. General trend seems to be acceptable for guys to date 5 yrs of difference (older). Whereas girls can date up to 10 yrs difference.
Oh yeah i forgot to state: Guys younger than me - 2 yrs and less Guys older - 5 yrs and less (but can consider older than that on a case to case basis)
+/- 10 years LOL. no, im jk, 2 years or so... any older than 2 years and i don't think id be comfortable, cuz id be afraid she might leave me. And younger then 2 years, my friends would make fun of me.
Why do you think older gals might leave you? Hehe... Same as me ... almost.. but i was thinkin any guy 5 years younger than me prolly won't want me neway
OMG I just realize I get confused over BR and wind's avvy @_@b White hair, dark background... I think I am losing it >.<
-rotfl sista.. i meant it to be a 'gory disturbing' avvy to match urs... it's a dark elf.. and there's blood splattered everywhere and writings in blood...
LOL, the blood's too rich and dark i can only see some of the splatters Let's make wind change his devil may cry avvy