When would you say the 3 letter words "I Love You" in a relationship?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by qkchrissy, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. qkchrissy

    qkchrissy Member

    When in a relationship would you say the three letter word "I Love you" and really really mean it?

    Some people can easily say it yet not really mean it. But if you are like me, you would only say it if you really really mean it.

    When a relationship begins, it doesn't always start of with love, you start dating someone because you really really like them and have a connection but when would you know when its really love?

    I know some people who have been in a relationship for many years and have never said the 3 words.

    Would you be afraid to say it because you're not sure what their reaction would be?

    How about if your current gf/bf had a bad break up with the previous ex or you had a bad break up with a previous ex - would have affect your thoughts on when you would say those words?

    What does saying "I Love you" mean to you?

    What reactions have you experienced when you have said it unexpectedly to your gf/bf?

    What are your views on the 3 words - "I LOVE YOU"?
  2. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol i''ll say it to the person who i really love, or when i get ' dared to or ' get things in return haha '
  3. sharpie

    sharpie Well-Known Member

    what are you? 7?

    you are over analyzing.
  4. lala_bel_tempo

    lala_bel_tempo Well-Known Member

    when i serously mean it. No messing around with those 3 words.

    some times people get confused between " really liking them a lot and love ". Love you give out more and regardless of what you get back. Overall you are likely to go beyond your own barries.
  5. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    and what are u? 13?

    this is a hard question to answer and ask... the words "I love you" should mean something... some people use it so much that it loses it's meaning... those three words are also very powerful words, so use in extreme caution, and should u be on the receiving end, think carefully...

    "I Love You"... a lot of win can come out of it... a lot... of win:D
  6. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    when the time is right?
  7. Vend

    Vend Well-Known Member

    When you are in a relationship, you should say "I love you" every day....and with a kiss. lolz

    It seems that you have doubt on the words "I love you". Although those 3 words are meant by its nature, nowadays those words are being used not accordingly by some people. ("flower heart" people)

    And "I love you" means " I really like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like you way too much" ( in a sane way).

    In the end, when you say IT to that someone, expect a NO. And politely ask him/her for a reason... be sure to understand it and accept it.
  8. selwynroars

    selwynroars Member

    I have to agree with this. I guess it depends on who you're with. I love my girl and I tell her that. I will not keep it to myself. I want her to know that I love her. At the same time, you shouldn't be saying ILU like a broken strobe light. That takes the meaning out of it. When you love someone, you'll know when to say it and when not to.
  9. lovinglyxx

    lovinglyxx Well-Known Member

    You'll know. Some people don't say it to their bf/gf but that other person, some say it to their significant other. Who-ever it is, you'll just know. :b
  10. MunMun

    MunMun Well-Known Member

    erm... well guys usually say it to me first and if i feel it too i say me too but if i dont i just go erm...... thanks?
    i guess when the time is right and it feels right then you will know when to say it
  11. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    I say it all the time, they love it ;)

    It's hard to interpret what the degree of love is though
  12. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    i tell me friends that i love them...;)

    plus its never too late to tell some1 that u love them...as life is unpredictable...
    i tell my bf i love him wheneva i can..=]
  13. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    Lyrics from Snow Patrol's Chasing Cars

    I don't quite know
    How to say
    How I feel

    Those three words
    I said too much
    They're not enough

    At the end of the day, if you love someone, you don't really have to say it, the other person should know by the way you treat them and the way you show it through your actions etc...
  14. Chibi12

    Chibi12 Well-Known Member

    I only say the three words wen i mean it, my partner, said he loved me a mth into our relationship, i didnt say it til about 4/5 mths - it just came out....i guess thats how i knew i ment it! I had asked him before y he said it so early on, all he said was he doesnt knw, it just slipped out.
  15. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    It has been a long time since I last posted a response but your question gave me the urge to write ...lol

    I don't know what part of the world you currently live in but I am from the United States. The three words "I Love You" is so common that people practically use it everyday including myself. I also think Asian people are catching on; at least being partially Korean, I have heard "Saranghae" quite often. It's more like a gesture that signify somewhat a close relationship. Personally, I think it's good that you're expressing your feeling. I believe whether those "words" carry any weight really depend on the "moment" that you say it. For example, if you said "I Love You" as ya'll are waving goodbye, it's understood as just a "closeness" gesture. However, if you were to say it whilst ya'll dancing at a ball when ya'll just eye-to-eye with each other, I am sure the meaning of your "I Love You" would be different and not taken as a gesture or lightly.

    Another two-cent of mine would be that you should say it when you feel it's right and ready. Every relationship is different and there's no definite time to say it so I highly doubt anyone could give a true response to your question. The only person who know when is yourself and your heart (not brain). Furthermore, those three words will be perfectly "normal" flow from your heart to your mouth; not something you gotta pick and think about before you say it. Love does NOT takes planning. If you said it and the guy/gal leaves you, then perhaps it's not meant to be. If that's the case, why even bother wasting your time. I think saying those words only bring ya'll closer to one another and not further apart. Whilst I do understand that some do get scared away, but at least you're expressing your feeling and know ahead of time whether the relationship is worth it. If the guy's not ready but has feeling for you, he will stick around and slowly work things out; not running away. Hope that helps!
  16. qkchrissy

    qkchrissy Member

    negiqboz... glad the post inspired you to reply.... thought you had a great answer with some great insight and truth... you are right, it's a hard question to answer so that is why I thought I'd see what others had to say on it as there are many views

    As from the people that posted, we can see its down to the individual. Some can say it light-heartedly which alot of people do today, including myself to my girlfriends but then to the bf/gf you're going out with it can be a different case depending on how you see love and if you say it cause you really really like them or it's the deep love (can't live without you) love.

    I guess in time you will know when is the right to say it and it will just pop out...

    sometimes actions speak louder than words so that extra tight hug or kiss out the blue on your forehead can let you know how they feel towards you, even the little gestures that come out gives it away sometimes...

    I think as we get older, we are more cautious when we say it in a relationship that is fresh and new unless we were feeling it from the start...

    It's great to see all the different views and options here :)
  17. goeatc

    goeatc Well-Known Member

    i mean, if you're going to say "I love you" to that person as soon as you start going out, what are you gonna say to express your feelings when you get further in the relationship ? It's just gonna become an overused word that lost all it's meaning.
  18. i'll say it when i find myself truely in love with this person but AFTER he tells me first hehe... i won't say i love you to a guy if he hasn't said it to me :p

    but i use these 3 words pretty casually with my fds... "can u pass me the salt?? thanks... i love u"...
  19. hot wings

    hot wings Well-Known Member

    say it if you really really really do mean it.
  20. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    As cold as I am to this, I never say these 3 words and these 3 words doesn't spark anything within me....well maybe fear, depending the person who said it lol