Hmm...just guyz go for gurls wif a fairly pretty face and hot body....or do they go for pretty face and pretty skin... do they go for an "Outgoing gurl" as in yu know wut i mean...or a gurl dat has personality and self respect?
guyz would go for a gurl with either one of the above but it best if the gurl have all of the well it's all depend on what kindda guyz u talkin about
girls that know how to take care of us and we can do the same back, but they dont require 24/7 attention all the time. if they can take care of us and themselves, then that means they are confident and not dull. looks is a factor, but not the one that determines it all mind over matter
Guys like any girl that's breathing hahaha... But all jokes aside, guys look for different types of girls in different stages of their lives & within that one stage, they may date different kinds of girls for different purposes. I.E....(and this is not generalizing about all guys, just some guys) 1. Young guys (junior high)have crushes, so any girl they get along with usually work. 2. When we hit puberty (high school) and are curious about a woman's body, we tend to like the ones who are "better developed." 3. When we are in college, we start looking at personality more (although body is still pretty high on our priorities) 4. After college, we start looking for "the one" who could potentially be our wives. As to each stage 1. For sex, we're pretty much down with any woman with a super hot body & face. We don't really care what their personality is as long as they're not clingy. 2. For companionship but not necessarily ready for marriage, personality is number one...someone who thinks the same way we do who we can relate to easily. 3. For wife, looks and personality become equally important as well as earning potential (believe it or not). We want someone who will not scare us when they don't have makeup on in the morning. We want someone who's personality is compatible with ours. And in the 21st century, we want someone who can earn money and help out with the bills, not just someone who only stays at home (but this last factor is very guy dependent).
hmm good question,... if i ever had the chance to meet You, i´d get together all my guts and definetely hit on You PhY pHy -blush2 You are a cutie, from Your posts i can see You have humour, and Your xanga let me see a shiny bit of Your personality. i think at the first view the outer appearance is an important factor, and then it´s goes after everyones taste ^^
Short answer: ANY TYPE. Long answer: In my experience it's the girl that does the choosing. Cause guys are pigs. If you were walking down the street and a good looking guy pulls up in his fancy car and says I want to take you up to my penthouse apartment and make love to you. Chances are you would say no. If a ugly girl driving a POS car pulls up to a guy and say do you want to go back to my hole in the wall apartment that smells like cat shit and have sex. Chances are every guy would say yes. you for dat post about guess apearance is a first sight view...but really...all the guyz i met is like...telling me...oh...personality is important...aperance is jsut an outer thing...but after i dunt fall for them... they just give up nd go for another.. so i guess some guyz just wanna have sex...dats da end..
Lol... I actually really want to know the ultimate answer to this question... i was told so many stuff from a guys i know.. about which kind of girls they like... but is there a general category? such as... well.. quiet guys usually go for which kind of girls.. and outgoing kind usually which kind... n so on?
Yard is right any type of that.. But Phy phy not every guy is like that.. I think that the imported thing is that u have good time with him/her.
The cute quiet girls, with pretty smiles and you can just have a great time with...basically as long as there not sluts haha
Generally everyone have different personality just how the opposite gender could take it for themself.. But some aren't about personality and about sex.. and that is a normal.. That's y god created girls for guys and guys for girls.. The important thing is how the opposite gender would accept the another. As the fact that: " Most guys who are good looking would end up with a not good lookin girls " " Most girls who are pretty would end up with a guys with not looking good " Seldom could see pretty girls with handsome guys could long lasting
hahaha...dats very funni... -___________________- i jsut feel urgh around guyz that are like alwayz looking at my chest...its annoying..