which zelda is the best

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by kagome10, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. kagome10

    kagome10 Well-Known Member

    I like ocarina of time
  2. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Let see, I only played the following Zeldas (in the order of me playing them):
    1. Ocarina of Time
    2. Majora's Mask
    3. A Link to the past & Link's Awakening
    4. Oracle of Ages & Oracle of Seasons
    5. Windwaker
    6. Minish Cap
    7. Twilight Princess
    I guess my favourite of all is either Twilight Princess or Majora's Mask. I did not like Ocarina of Time (unlike my friend who introduced me to Zelda) since I found it too straight forward and light-hearted.
    Majora's Mask has a much darker theme, but the game is a wee bit short in terms of the quest, althought I must admit I love the 3-days on repeat gameplay (Ground Hog Day anyone?) And the very exotic/ethnic music clicked for me.
    I love Twilight Princess partially (or mostly) for it's gameplay (on Wii). You get to swing the master sword! While on horseback! And you got Midna! The dungeons are very intricate and the use of equipments ingenious. And the final boss, for once, feels like a final boss in length and difficulty (both Zant AND Ganondorf) *hearts*
    My guilty pleasure was Windwaker... The graphics are just too cute!!

    Sambo>> Windwaker was the least popular zelda (in term of sale) outside of Japan as many complaint it being very childish and such.

    I guess I was and still am awed by the brilliance of the dungeon mapping in MM and TP. That and the constrainted gameplay (in MM's Deku/Goron/Zora form, in TP's wolf form)
    #2 hiake, Feb 5, 2007
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2007
  3. SamBo

    SamBo Member

    guilty pleasure = windwaker? not really, windwaker is one of the most highly acclaimed zelda games out there.

    for my favourite, it will always be my first. legend of zelda: oot. but i can clearly understand where heaps of people are coming from when they say lttp is the greatest. i can't imagine playing something like that when it first came out !
  4. impulse83

    impulse83 Member


    Link to The Past was definitely the best Zelda game..Can't remember how many times I've played it. Ocarina of Time was also a very good game. Way better than Majora's Mask. Wind Waker was fun and Twilight Princess was good cause I played it on the Wii and that was pretty cool.
  5. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Anyone finished OoT Master Quest? I kind of lost interest after Fire temple...

    LttP was a brilliant game, I do agree. But I am a sucker for 3D graphics =_=b so I still like TP and MM better.
    I adore the fact that you can switch between past and present anytime in LttP; OoT kind of forced you to return to temple of time, which lost versatility in area map play; MM and TP, specially TP, remedied this in the later part of the game.
    I guess OoT was a bit on the linear side to my taste, not enough going on at once ^^b MM, with the notebook and task feature, got you micro-managing your 3-day.

    PS> Please please, someone explain the appeal of OoT to me? I am sincerely curious, as even though it WAS the first Zelda I played, I was not uber-impressed by it- I like LttP better when I played LttP after OoT.
  6. tallgirl888

    tallgirl888 Well-Known Member

    I liked the Minnish Cap one for gameboy. Mind you I don't have a gamecube/Wii...
  7. deadman_inc

    deadman_inc Well-Known Member

    i liked ocarina of time, though i havent played majora's mask or twilight princess, maybe coz it was the first zelda game that had a different play style (3D from 2D)
  8. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    as of now i have been trying twilight princess seems great but then i like ocrina of time tho...i always liked the arrow part but i guess i havent played T.P long enough yet
  9. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    You mean the horse-backing shooting mini-game?? LOVE that part! I use to compete with my friend and see how many crows we can shoot down with 60 arrows atop the house in Lake Hylia :p
    But I think when you get more into the game, several of the mini games are quite enjoyable ;) But nothing really measure up to the horse-back shooting, unfortunately
  10. ironhunter

    ironhunter Member

    Twilight Princess i think is good
  11. sai

    sai Well-Known Member

    ocarina of time
  12. akuchy

    akuchy Member

    Zelda A Link to The Past
  13. somedude113

    somedude113 New Member

    twilight princess and ocarina of time
  14. Vinnie_boy

    Vinnie_boy Well-Known Member

    Ocarina of Time is the best and i dont care what anyone says!!
  15. mingming2006

    mingming2006 Well-Known Member

    yes, like me best m8 in skl here....o.o.t. rules em all ;P
  16. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ But don't you find OoT kind of too easy???
  17. Vinnie_boy

    Vinnie_boy Well-Known Member

    not really the first time i played it i was confused like hell and took me a while to figure out what to do (possibly cos im dumb lol)
  18. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ... I don't know. It was kind of easy IMO =_=b but it's just me, I guess I wasn't confused by the previous Zelda games... :p
  19. Vinnie_boy

    Vinnie_boy Well-Known Member

    the previous ones i had no problems the only ones i had problem with is oot
  20. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Really? The only "problem" I have was trying to get all the songs too much in advance :p I played Spirit Temple half way then go and get the song for shadow temple...

    Did you tried the Master Quest for OoT? It's like OoT redux with more difficult puzzles and some such.