would u choose the person who love u more or the person u love more?? I have these 2 guys but i dont know who to choose Option A The person who i like more but hes not really to start a relationship with me, but he truely likes me. He has a decident job, doesnt smoke, independent, doesnt party much, treat me good but doesnt always listen or spent time with me. Option B The person who is always there for me when i needed him. Treat me like a princess. always listen to me complain about option A. always telling me i deserve better.. but he smokes, goes to party, and still in school
wats rong with partyin and goin to skool? =p good education = good job... how old r u? lol option C for dann is be homo hahahahahaahahahahh
the person U like more..... why "cant" he start a relationship with u if he TRULY likes u... i dont really believe in that stuff unless the circumstances are that hes in jail or something which isnt the case right now i assume btw... u can always go for none of the above n have another look around
lol what chu talking about.. i did make it easier for her lol i said none A: dude wont spend time with her, don't want relationship, nuff said. B: dude sounds like a slacker, and just wants to get in her pants, nuff said. what more lol
^ not really....could be he doesnt want to commit himself into a relationship.... back to op, u mentioned that option b listens to you an says u deserve better...did he mean some one like him or just another guy in general...?
i guess he either doesnt want to commit or hes not really because he just got outa of a 5 year relationship... option b he didnt say the "i deserve better a person"to be him.. he also said another relationship will come around even if its not him.. option a seems like the perfect bf in general and option b seems like hes getting there but not yet...but option b is always there for me unlike option a no there no option c or d in the begining i choose to be with option a even so option B was there for me option a seems like a person to settle down with while option b is more like a mess type
wtf .. drop the options and learn to love yourself first. how old are you anyway?? you gotta be able to stand on your feet, be independent, worry about your own success and education; not guy, drug, smoke, and shit like that .. when you're confident; meaning comfortable about yourself and who you are and know what you really need and want, you will know which option is better for you. you don't need to get people's opinion. anyhow, when it comes to LOVE, you shouldn't need to choose .. you should go with your heart and feeling. if you have to pick one over the other, it's not love anymore .. KIDDO
honestly, i'll pass on both: A: he doesn't like u enough to commit in a relationship..so i wouldn't say he truly likes u B: he's telling u u deserve better n at the same time he says he's the one? lol..i dunno bout him..but i wouldn't go for someone i don like just because he likes me... it's like ur treating him as your float/backup just because A doesn't like u!
your options suck........ A: probably just wants to hook up with you and be done..... he obviously a busy person and has no time for serious dating..... B: i can't believe he listens to you complain about A.... smoking, partying, in school? so what if he likes to smoke and party? and are you saying he is still in Uni? if so.... whats wrong with that? unless he has like < 2.0GPA (if you know what that is)
lol it's like i said before... A: doesn't want you because of so so reasons B: wants to get in your pants.
netiher A nor B ..... i think the best way is to not think of that..... just be yourself and let it be~ im sure one day u will find your mr. right x)
obviously the correct option is to do nothing. If u are stuck between choosing 2 potential mates, u know that u dont like either of them enough. I have a feeling u just want to be with someone.
ima old enought to do whatever i want but this is the first relationship...i charish myself alot .. i put alota thought too the option A i do like option A but hes just doing things to makes me like less such as not really to be in a relationship..if he wasnt doing any of of those for sure ill pick options A Option B i figure if i do go out with him it would make me think less of option A and even better forget about him...