Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by TDK, Mar 21, 2006.
I like the bald guy...I think his name is Chris?? Although, Ace is a hottie...but he can't sing...
I choose....Ace. -clapclap
havent been watching it but i checked out audition shows those were hilarious -lol
Im hoping elliot will win but he been in bottom 3 twice!! Chris is ok also
i love chris daughtry and elliot yamin
i think chris is really good!!i agree ace is hot!!keke!but not that keen on his singing tho
elliott or taylor! -^_^
Elliot is my choice
omg!! elliot is out.im so sad.
I'm a huge fan of Taylor. Kat is ok... but right now, I'm rooting for Taylor.
Yay! My fav won. Way to go, Taylor Hicks.