Why do chinese make chinese look bad?

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by gogo123, Aug 15, 2006.

  1. gogo123

    gogo123 Well-Known Member

    I am Chinese (Mandarin), yet I don't identify with the vast majority of the chinese in the US which happens to be toishan. Toishan I dunno. I've taken an Asian American class in college and the professor was telling the class about the hardship that the Toishan Chinese went through. I know the region is poor, but man the antics that the people from this region pull makes EVERY other nationality look down on Chinese. Nasty nasty language. Hideous manners, the ignorance is beyond belief. Constantly bickering about money that they don't have, and pimping their daughters to get pregnant with financially secured men. Can't you be happy with your life? and please the world is bigger than just farmland and $$$$$$.

    Has anyone ever known a famous Chinese musician or athlete to be Toishan or Cantonese? and I don't mean pop singers either. Every Chinese that are famous musicians or athletes are all Mandarin. why is that?
  2. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    ummm you cant base your views of the entire population of Chinese people on your "limited" views....

    Money makes the world go round and if you have lived in constant poverty for centuries like many chinese people have, when you see money it can easily corrupt you. This is a fault of any man and is not limited to the chinese. Any 3rd world country has cases where people will do absolutely anything for money. Hell in the US people are willing to kill their brothers for for fried chicken.

    Would you be honestly happy with your life if you had to eat out of a bin and pick up rubbish to feed your kids - I think not....

    And whats this about madarin/cantonese, in the end we are all Chinese.
  3. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    wat about yo yo ma?
  4. person

    person Well-Known Member

    The rapper or the cheloist? (sp?)

    We make each other look bad cause we're stupid... =P
    But um... I don't know... I hope I don't make the Chinese look stupid... lol.
  5. chabunky2000

    chabunky2000 Well-Known Member

    Toishan and Cantonese are totally different languages!

    I speak Cantonese and a little bit Mandarin. Personally, I think Toishan sounded very rude and ugly. No offense!
  6. gogo123

    gogo123 Well-Known Member

    Yo Yo Ma is Mandarin not Cantonese/Toishan.
  7. ahhamah

    ahhamah Well-Known Member

    You can say the same shit for every group. You can't base an entire group of people from a few people you've met/heard about. Most Chinese who came to the US for the gold rush area Toishan.

  8. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    andy lau...jin the emceee? michelle kwan?
  9. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Why do humans make humans look bad?
  10. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    ^ well said knoc!
  11. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    First off, famous Toisanese:

    • Former Governor Gary Locke of Washington (ancestry in Shuibu Township)
    • Former Governor General Adrienne Clarkson of Canada (in Sijiu)
    • Former Prime Minister Julius Chan of Papua New Guinea (in Annanjiangchao Village (安南江潮村) of Duoshan)
    • Magazine publisher Jack Yan of New Zealand (central Chinese heritage, but Taishanese from c. 1600)
    • Martial Artist Chin Siu Dek (aka Jimmy H. Woo), from Sanba, emigrated to the United States in the 1930's, passed away 1991, Grandmaster of Kung Fu San_soo, and noted in the 'People' section of the Taishan Website
    In Hong Kong, there are:
    • Actor Tony Leung
    • Actress/Singer Flora Chan
    • Former Treasurer of the State of California, Matt Fong
    Famous Cantonese, too many to list; the biggest one I can think of is the father of our country Suen Jong San (aka Suen Man) - and please go read a textbook before blabbing out not knowing who he is. If you don't, you're not Chinese!
  12. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    Second of all, are you kidding me? You're trying to start a flame war between the Canto's vs Mando's on this board? Do you know how many more Canto's there are on this board? There are good and bad habits with each group (I know because I'm married to the other half), so it's absurd to make sweeping generalities about an entire half of a race.

    However if you really want to compare, why don't you read this interesting article released by CNN:


    For those who don't feel like reading, it's about China trying to educate their people on manners before the olympics because of so many complaints by people around the country regarding Chinese travelers' manners (eg spitting on ground, clearing their throats loudly, squating and smoking, speaking loudly in public places, etc) Most of the Chinese tourists they are referring to are Mando's from China and I see these disgusting habits being practiced by Mando's predominantly than Cantos
  13. stil3

    stil3 Member

    maybe its kinda communication thing ?
  14. gogo123

    gogo123 Well-Known Member

    For those who don't feel like reading, it's about China trying to educate their people on manners before the olympics because of so many complaints by people around the country regarding Chinese travelers' manners (eg spitting on ground, clearing their throats loudly, squating and smoking, speaking loudly in public places, etc) Most of the Chinese tourists they are referring to are Mando's from China and I see these disgusting habits being practiced by Mando's predominantly than Cantos[/QUOTE]

    Are you sure about the manners are majorily Mando than Canto? I live in SF aka. Toishan HQ, and I work near C-Town, thus I see this shit EVERYDAY. I unfortunately see this sh*t waaayyy more than you read the news online. I need to move to a more Taiwanese populated area. At LEAST they have some manners.

    if people would read my post clearly, you'd notice I said EXCLUDING singers. aiya
  15. ahhamah

    ahhamah Well-Known Member

    Are you sure about the manners are majorily Mando than Canto? I live in SF aka. Toishan HQ, and I work near C-Town, thus I see this shit EVERYDAY. I unfortunately see this sh*t waaayyy more than you read the news online. I need to move to a more Taiwanese populated area. At LEAST they have some manners.

    if people would read my post clearly, you'd notice I said EXCLUDING singers. aiya[/QUOTE]

    Obviously you've never been to China because everyone there does it regardless of canto/mando. Why are you trying to start a fight here?? Another pointless post.
  16. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    I've lived in Vancouver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, NYC, and Hong Kong and my family is from one of the Sei Yup counties. I've also traveled to Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Guangdong, Hang Zhou, Sou Zhou, and Shing Jiang, and some of the smaller villages in China. I think I have the experience to back up what I say than someone who's only seen C-Town in SF.

    And yes, I saw your post and I CHOOSE to ignore your criteria and include singers. I feel they have an impact on society as well as politicians & other types of people. And how come you only comment on the singers I listed and not acknowledge the other people I posted who have heritage from Toisan?

    Like I said before, there are good and bad qualities to every subculture, so it's retarded to insult one over the other since there will always be someone who can argue against your point. You need to quit trolling and stop flaming.
  17. aiknee

    aiknee Member

    Ok, here's the deal. I think that the majority of us has had the benifit of a constructive upbringing. In the rural society of China people to this day still stuggle to figure out where the next meal is going to come from. This in turn has forced the rural chinese society to push out the daughters as soon as posssible in hopes that she will be able to lead a better life. Through out the generations this has been so instilled in the older folks that it has now become customary. As for the manners well, in all honesty that has to do with how society is in China. For the rural country folk it is normal to blow your nose with out a hanky in public or pick your nose or eat with your mouth open. Meanwhile us american raised have been taught that this is not proper behavior. So there is your thesis.
  18. dragopyre

    dragopyre Well-Known Member

    I agree with aiknee. I'm toishan and I dont act like that but i see alot of toishan with absolutely no manners at all. But as more toishan people are bought up in america most of the rude toishans are the elderly or immigrants. There alot fujinese people coming to america lately and sometimes I feel that they are much more disgusting than toishan people.
  19. skysz86

    skysz86 Well-Known Member


    i have to admit a lot chinese people in general are nuts about money. you cant limit it to toishan. and mandarin is not a region of china. you cant compare a region to a dialect. in my opinion, most chinese folks r greedy about money.

    the reason why the athletes speak mandarin in china is because those athletes are trained by the country when they are like 5 or under. im talking about the olympic athletes. the trainers usually speak mandarin because mandarin is the national language in China. famous musicians sing in mandarin is because the majority of mainland china speak mandarin. like the majority of the singers in hk sing in cantonese because that is the majority there. singers cant get famous in hk if they sing in their own small village dialects that nobody understands.

    toishan's language is cantonese and theres a lot of curse words in cantonese. so i have to admit that it is easier for toishan ppl to curse in their regular language than mandarin ppl. but that doesnt mean the language is nasty. u have to meet more ppl dude and know that the world is not limited to ur own personal experiences.

    foreigners dont look down on chinese because of the antics ppl in toishan regions pull but because of ppl like u that look down on your own ppl. there just tends to be more internal conflicts between chinese ppl.
  20. thebestofme

    thebestofme Well-Known Member

    sometimes the way they try to act cool in front of people.