Why do CHINESE ppl

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by negiqboyz, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I don't get it .. why do Chinese people buy all the name brand stuffs from clothes to car when they have no dough? what kind of message they're sending to the kid at home?? I would hate to see us financial history repeat itself in china or somewhere abroad where people just spend and spend and spend without any saving.
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i think that only see lai's that do that
  3. aqwzsx

    aqwzsx New Member

    Spending is good for the economy :)
  4. because for most asians.... it all about status.... if you don't got it you aren't successful....
  5. axism

    axism New Member

    they always like to show off no? is not just asians, everyone is like that
  6. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    What's really sad about this keeping up of appearances is that young girls (in Japan and Taiwan) will prostitute themselves, that is literally sell their bodies by sleeping with sleazy middle aged men; so that they can get the latest branded item of clothing or must have accessory. Really gives perspective to the phrase fashion whore. :rolleyes2:
  7. ^ that is rather sad.... but that is what happens when you have money... women throw themselves at you...
  8. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    Isn't that presumptuous of you. Just because a certain number of people do that it doesn't represent the whole population of Chinese people. Also, not every Chinese person is in debt, stop assuming so much.
  9. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    i agree with Jelly...
    and chinese pple do save as well.... (¬¬)
  10. wallacec

    wallacec Active Member

    Chinese culture teaches ppl to save for later just like they don't eat all the food on the table and have some left over for tomorrow. Its just young Asians that spend more than they earn with the invention of credit card and the follow the way Western ppl do.
  11. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Well, everyone spent but the thing is that Chinese in particular spent more than they can really afford. know what i am trying to say here; you see someone drive a BMW down the street when they don't actually own it but only lease it or something. (everyone does that too) but the problem is that they can get a nice car with the lease money rather than driving a beamer. what's worst, they will get the "top top top" of the line too. That's not saving.

    I know older generations do save but i was referring more to the nowadays. sry, if i wasn't specific enough.
  12. because most kids are spoiled by their parents and do not understand the value of money.... they live for moment without thinking of later.
  13. nameless2k8

    nameless2k8 Member

    Its very weird because we Chinese people like to spend money on quality stuff/products but the next minute, we are complaining how we don;t have enough money.
  14. Supertrio

    Supertrio Well-Known Member

    Chinese are good customers and wat wrong :p this only make better economy. but i think one good reason is Face. They can show off to other ppl.
  15. haun

    haun Well-Known Member

    i hope the thread starter is not blaming too much spending for the current financial problem in US cuz i would laugh to death.

    the assumption about chinese spending too mcuh is totally not true. i myself dont spend that much on expensive stuffs.................................................
  16. d15z1sux

    d15z1sux Well-Known Member

    because they are all superficial and only care about image. they've all been sucked in by advertising and media lol.
  17. auta

    auta Well-Known Member

    i feel bad when spending money......i just think about how long it'll take me to get that money back to keep my bank balance at or higher number xD
  18. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Roflmao, this is the most subjective topic I have seen here...

    As long as you are capable of paying the price then I don't see a problem at all, I know most people make enough money to get themselves BMW or buy LV, etc.
    Even if their parent do buy it for them, then that's their problem. However, this happen towards any ethinic group. It's not like they're stealing BMW or anything and I don't see any statistic that "Asian Financial History" is worst off then the white or the black.

    IMHO, I think Asian Financial History is doing much better than other race if you really want to compare...
  19. jpeung

    jpeung Active Member

    haha very true but once in a while..they try to look high class..everybody does
  20. matethemouse

    matethemouse Well-Known Member

    maybe "the more expensive things are better in quality"-idea we all are grown up with, and in some cases also is true.