how embarrassing! i can barely understand the women. but the camera man just keeps saying "don't be so angry" ahah.
I guess its hard to empathise for the woman.. I mean she could be on her way to a funeral or something important like that; And she can't understand or is in disbelief that she get onto the plane despite the fact that the plane is still there ~ But then on the other hand, she could just gone crazy at missing the plane.
I am not sure whether to laugh or to feel sorry for her. If you miss your flight, you can just wait for another one, what's the big deal? You probably have to pay more money though. I don't understand why people record this and put on youtube anyway. This person must really have no life to be filming this. If it was your mother or something, it won't be funny.
lmao... over react much? i like how the man thats with her (probably her husband) just walks around instead of helping to calm her down. for those who didnt understand her, shes pissed cuz the plane is still outside but they are not letting her board.
LOONEY WOMAN!!! i wouldnt want her to board the plane when shes like that even if the plane is still there ^^
dats at the HK airport....the lady is screaming about how she is going to leave when she missed her plane...nuts
Immediately arrest her for disorderly conduct. She can sort her shit out at the police station and the cops can call an ambulance if she's emotionally disturbed. It really didn't matter what happened, but she is blocking the airport from conducting its legitimate function. Aside from that, it's a good reminder to people that the world does not revolved around any of us. She should have given herself plenty of time for coming to the airport as a safety measure. All the histrionics in the world won't change that. -noclue I just love how she's railing on that it's everyone else's fault except hers. LOL... What an idiot. -roflyawn
they should had known to be 2hrs earlier in the airport, it's just so embarrassing if you are one of her family members there.
I was thinking the same, what's all the fuss about..... just take the next flight. You shouldnt be late in the first place, so...... And to be honest, I dont think it's appropriate for an middle age++ woman to act like a 3 year old spoiled little brat... But yeah, maybe she booked the flight @ the last minute to attend something... The destination must be important for her, since she gone bananas in that Ytube clip.
^ 'bananas'...??..... she was rolling on the floor..!!...hahhaha.. the only thing that springs to mind after watching that was it shows how impatient chin people are...-lol