Wii vs PS3 vs XBOX 360

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by Kaitou_Kid, Oct 27, 2007.

  1. Kaitou_Kid

    Kaitou_Kid Well-Known Member

    Which do you think is the best and is the most bang for the buck?
  2. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Already a topic on this, but I guess I''ll answer your Question anyways.

    The 360 has already built up their game library with a number of great titles including: Bioshock, Halo 3, Blue Dragon, Forza, and Beautiful Katamari. The system itself is not as powerful as the PS3, but makes up for it with an extensive game libary and well maintain online community. I would have to say that the 360 has the best online multilayer out of the three consoles.

    The PS3 is the most powerful out the 3. However its game library is not as extensive as the Wii or 360. It does have a few titles like Heavenly Sword, and Warhawk out, but that won't be enough to compete with the other 2 systems. Sony has also lost a few of their titles like: Devil May Cry, Beautiful Katamari, and GTA4. All can be found on both 360 and PS3 (excluding Beautiful Katamari). However things seem to be picking up for the PS3. After a slow start games are starting to roll out. Sony has a pretty good line up for the 2008 year.

    The Wii is nothing but fun. The wi-fi technology makes even the bundled Wii Sports a extremely fun game to play. The only downside to the wii is that its the weakest of the three, and it doesn't have many mature games (I.E. games like Halo and Heavenly Sword). But it still has a variety of games available that are just as fun to play. Oh and the Online play for Wii is not all that great. They concentrate to much on making a safe community for the whole family, which reduces the quality of the community itself.
  3. ^^ how much versions of the same question are we gona get -confused
  4. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Ps3 is going to win over soon when more games come out....
  5. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    I doubt it. Its just to late for PS3 to surpass the 360 (in North America at least). The slow start has really hurt the system and even though things are picking up it still won't be enough to surpass the 360 in sales. Besides even if it does it still has to do with the Wii. Which is still somewhat difficult to find in stock.
  6. BokChoiBoi

    BokChoiBoi Member

    the Wii is pretty fun for parties i like it
  7. exiled

    exiled Well-Known Member

    i like the wii the best. the wii has the best price. it also has the most unique control system for any console. I cant wait until even better games come out for the wii.
  8. Sephiroth

    Sephiroth Well-Known Member

    The Wii is sth else.....i don't know how is things going in other country
    but in HK....ppl bought a wii and now they are selling it
    cuz they get bored of it already
    and the release of the 40GB for the ps3 is realli working
    they sell 178% more console after the release of 40GB model in the UK
    so i think things are going better next year
    and the xbox 360.......i have no comment for the xbox now
    it is not doing bad..but not realli good lol
  9. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    The wii's doing pretty good right now... like they're sold out in alot of stores. The wii's the cheapest and probably in my opinion the funnest.
  10. Sephiroth

    Sephiroth Well-Known Member

    =3= the wii is totally a different console
    and the graphic of the wii is....blah
  11. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    How is the 360 not doing really good? its on top of the PS3 in sales and currently has a better game library than the PS3.

    As for your comments on the Wii's graphics. The Wii is not about graphics its about the variety of games and the innovative Wi-Fi technology.
  12. ^ seph is a Sony fanboy lolz, he will say many things against xbox
  13. calvinjai

    calvinjai Member

    the wii sounds fun and is fun initially, but its too simple, all the games get boring after a few hours of playing... the only reasons worth considering a wii is Zelda and SSB Brawl
  14. tonkachi

    tonkachi Well-Known Member

    the wii has been doin so so where i live...i can find them at all of the major stores that sell video games...i don't see the demand for them like i did 6-8 months ago, where it was impossible to find even one of them.

    its a tough market and i think sony made a bad decision to release there console with such a high price tag that it probably turned a lot of people away from the system...even if it is a better system than the xdeath 360 and wii. The wii in my opinion is more of a novalty and fun to play at parties but sucks pretty bad as a stand alone machine.

    we will have to see what else tricks sony has to pull out of their bags to get their console back on top
  15. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Not true. My friend has a Wii and he does not find the system at all boring.
  16. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    ^^^^ lol i find out that everything is boring to me:D besides computer gaming:D i have a ps3 and wii.. got bored of it since theres no good games..
  17. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    If you can't find any games for your Wii I can suggest a couple: Super Mario Galaxy, Wariowave, Metroid Prime 3, Mario Strikers and Zelda.
  18. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    im broke:) only have mario party 8.. got bored lol
  19. ^ if u ask khaotic nicely, he may buy u a game and post it to your house..
  20. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    pfft im not very interested in most of the games for wii yet.. until super smash brawl comes out.. and ps3.. i just waiting for some good racing realistic games...