Wilber Pan Uses Food To Relieve Stress; Wrote Song For Ex-Girlfriend

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by jazlynnyee, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. jazlynnyee

    jazlynnyee Fantabulous!!!


    Wilber Pan WeiBo, who is usually seen on stage, singing and dancing, has, in private life, an astonishing appetite and capacity for food. On the 20th, he was interviewed on a Mainland television program; he revealed that, whenever he is in a bad mood, he relies on "crazily eating" to relieve his stress. As a result, he was always very fat when he was young... "fat to the point where my legs would rub together as I walked. They rubbed until they chafed and bled!" He also revealed some details about his own past love life: he cried for a month over one particular break-up; two years ago, when he heard that his ex-girlfriend was getting married, he was so upset that he stuffed himself to the extreme, gobbling down 20 pieces of chicken and a bunch of French Fries in just one sitting.

    Although the "present-day" Wilber is very different from the pre-debut Wilber, his appetite is still two to three times that of the average person's. He said, "When it comes to food, I just can't resist. I'll eat anything. In one meal, I can eat seven to eight bowls of rice. I'm also not picky." His record company later asked him to lose weight in preparation for his debut; they even promised to give him $10,000 NTD for each kilogram he lost. In the end, Wilber relied on persistent diet and exercise to successfully shed his excess weight. However, whenever he is upset or unhappy, he finds it impossible to control his cravings and urges for food. He mocked himself, "So when people look at me, it's like looking at a rubber ball. Round one moment, deflated the next."

    He also discussed his "first love"; he and his girlfriend dated for five years. In the end, they broke up because they were separated-- in two different countries-- for too long. Wilber, however, just couldn't forget her-- he cried for nearly a month straight after their break-up. Although he ultimately accepted the fact of their break-up, the two still kept in touch.

    Right after Wilber wrote 戴上我的愛 [Dai Shang Wo De Ai] [Put On My Love], a song which describes the promise of two people to love for a lifetime, in 2006, he received the unexpected news that his "first love" was planning on getting married. He broke his strict diet and began to eat crazily: 20 pieces of chicken and a bunch of French Fries in one sitting.* In the end, Wilber dedicated the song to her as a congratulatory gift.

    Translator's Note: This article also says that he ate 20 dumplings. However, in the program I watched (魯豫有約 [Lu Yu You Yue] [A Date With Lu Yu]), Wilber mentioned only the chicken pieces. French Fries and chicken pieces are logical; dumplings with those two foods are not. Did the reporters add this extra "item"? Probably. Especially since, in the program, Wilber actually said he specifically WROTE a song called 謝謝 [Xie Xie] [Thank You] (which talks about letting go of the girl he loves... to someone who can take care of her) for her/about her. NOT 戴上我的愛 [Dai Shang Wo De Ai] [Put On My Love]. Please use your own judgment and discretion.

    Source: NOWNews
    Translation Credit: tammiest @ http://asianfanatics.net/
  2. eww that was a gross read of the first paragraph, im glad he slimmed down.....