Cliff notes: - Guy post pics on forum asking for photoshop help - Members reply with hilarious chops. - Guy gets mad, throws fit, gets computer taken away - More lulz Keep in mind that this is bodybuilding's forums so expect to see some NSFW images. Can someone here fix the redeye in my pic? - Forums
lol OP: moral of the story: bmx trick will make any grandma proud. edit: he took a picture of his library book cover to prove it's from a library HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA either this is the greatest troll in the history of the interwebz, or this guy is a "bag douche" HAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH
lmao haven't these people learn their lesson yet. never post pics asking people to ps for you lol. better yet never post pic on bodybuilding forums haha.'s funny how the OP was like saying he was gonna report it to the police, and how his computer got taken away from his parents...