Works in Windows Live Messenger 8.1 ONLY. 用法: 1. 選好你用邊款skin 2. 退出MSN先 3. 入去你安裝MSN嗰folder (一般都係"C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger" ) 4. 將folder入面嗰 a) msnmsgr.exe b) msgsres.dll 做 BACKUP (例如開個folder叫backup, 之後剪下再貼入個folder) 5. 最後將你選好既skin嗰兩個files解壓到 "C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger" 入面 [HIDE][/HIDE]
yeah, i've looked at the other threads, but when they say "screw up comp if you install incorrectly", i just give up. lol.
oh gosh, vista is so beautiful lol. thanks =] i hope i don't get over excited and do something to mess it up ><"
lol im not sure about skin packs i never used it before.. if it messes up your computer why not just reinstall it? thats what i always do.. only takes about an hour to reinstall window xp.. and about 30 min to reinstall vista.. lol well thats my time.. not sure about others
just copy out/bakup the files u really need then try it if u screw up, just format and reinstall and its all good no1 would know the difference =P i just can't do it this laptop, too many blocked stuff and i don't have proper admin privileges =( least i worked out how to change the wallpaper! =D hahahaha its harder than u think!! lol its always funny wen u go in the office and u see every1 with the generic wallpaper and then they see mine ahahahaha