Wisdom Teeth

Discussion in 'Health, Beauty, and Fashion' started by Airree, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. Airree

    Airree Well-Known Member

    How long does it usually take them to come in.. ?

    Cause mine are poking out of my gums now.. and it hurts like heck.. I keep biting the inside of my cheek on accident and i accidently bit my tongue twice while talking.. it sucks..

    And do they have to come out?.. cause I hate the dentist and I'm not looking forward to tooth extraction.. ><
  2. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    varies by individual.
    need to have a dentist check em to see if they need to be removed.
  3. ya. my teeth came out as it should and not crooked or anything, but i still had to take them out because lack of space in my jaw.

    i have to say that when i got mine out, it was actually pretty easy..

    pop, pop, pop and pop, they were all out. i had general anesthetic so i didnt feel a thing.

    in fact, during the first week, i hardly felt pain.. i only used 3 out of the 25 tylenol three pills they prescribed.. they were like.. if you need more, come back and ask lol

    the fun part was the second week. doc gave me a syringe like thing, which squirts water into the wisdom teeth hole to flush food out.

    it was like flushing a toilet, and food squirted right out rofl. fun times.

    i had to do that to keep infections from occurring.
  4. Airree

    Airree Well-Known Member

    ewww... that's kind of gross. >< and its nice to hear the pain isn't that bad..but the question is..

    is your pain tolerance similar to mine.? .. probably not.. ><
  5. ^ lol... i have super high tolerance..... i thrive on pain... -cool2

    HUNNEE Well-Known Member

    haha they dont have to be out of the gum for you to have them extracted. my wisdom teeth were still in the gums and i had them removed.

    you should really see a dentist just because of the pain. they probably have to be removed, but OMG you get the best drugs when you get your wisdom teeth removed! haha im joking, its true, but you know what i mean.
  7. Airree

    Airree Well-Known Member

    ehhh I'm screwed.. ><

    o_O druggie?

    HUNNEE Well-Known Member

    ^ ha SHUSH! i am not.
  9. i should have kept the other 22 pills......

    once in a while... just pop some in...
  10. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    wishdom tooth extraction was a horrible experience. i had to have holes made into my gms to pull them out. I was awake the whole time, and it was during my birthday week last year. i cuoldnt even eat anything on my bday man. it was a PAIN. I didn really care how much it hurt, its just sucks not to eat anything good on ur bday. Worst part was, i had food stuck in the holes, and it didnt heal properly. so there were 2 gaping holes. i had to flush it out every day with some needle like thing for a month until it closed. yup. horrible
  11. yes.... the needle thingy.... that was cool.... for a week... i dont know if i could stand a month tho.... it was cool for the week tho XD
  12. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    omg i went to dentist and now i have to get them out...gota do surgery...and i think its better to do it now then later...get it over with..u're not even 18 yet rite lol..dont they come out at liek 18? welll goood luck..NO PAIN NO GAIN =p
  13. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    lol OMGGGGGG mine are coming out too.. well my left side already came out and now its the right one.. it hurts sometimes but it hasn't hurt in a long time. i hope i dont have to take them out :ohnoes:
  14. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    I R be quite old now, and they've all ready grown in... and yet still haven't had me wisdom teeth pulled yet ;)
  15. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lol i still have them too, still haven't removed it but the pain stopped so i think they stopped growing perhaps.
  16. neko-pochi

    neko-pochi Well-Known Member

    Mines are so weird... they come out like for 3 days, then after few months, they come out again..... Can't understand shit of what's going on with my wisdom teeth! >_<; Lucky I have enough space. My lil sis looked so beaten up when she got hers removed XD

    Also, some people just never have wisdom teeth. That's what my dentist told me. I think it's the case of one of my friends. She acts like she's 10 y/o sometimes though. haha really getting wiser with those teeth?? =PPP
  17. well after mine grew out it didnt hurt. but the reason i had to pull mine out was because i couldnt reach the teeth with my brush, so without brushing the wisdom teeth, it could get infected, and rot.

    came directly from the dental surgeon.
  18. Airree

    Airree Well-Known Member

    I don't like my dentist and really don't want her to take them out.. ><
  19. ^ same here..... i need to find me a new dentist.... and get these wisdom teeth removed.... its really buggy me and it detrimental to my teeth >__<
  20. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    yeah u kno what it was kinda cool...for the first hour. kinda tingly. i was getting my gums tickled by a fairy.