Okay i have been having this problem and its annoying the hell out of me...... this happens when i use WMP to watch any sort of video clip it happens randomly and at any given time..... the video will start playing and then the screen goes black, like if you put the computer on suspend, but its not its running the lights are still going but trying to shut it down or suspending it does nothing, hotkeys that normally work to switch the display don't work either..... i have not found a way to fix this problem, so if anyone else who has run into this problem, it would be greatly appreciated if you could help! OS: Windos XP SP3 Video Card: ATI Mobility FireGL V5250
maybe it is your video card problem? ever try restarting the computer? if that don't work, try uninstalling the drivers and reinstalling the updated drivers. if that don't work also.. call ATI/AMD about this they might help you on this it might be a video card problem no clue right now.
Updated: [10-09, 11:41] AkkiOnimusha real player and vlc are fine as well (meaning vdis work with these)
so the only way to get back the screen is to turn off the computer by holding down the power button..... it would seem as if the video freezes and then the screen goes black so that i would believe tells me that WMP is somehow making my video card disable when it crashes.....
ok check that bsod is turned on go to my computer >> properties >> advanced tab >> startup and recovery >> make sure "automatically restart" is not checked Now if you crash you may get a BSOD and an error message along with it, google the error! Any specific types of video crashing your system or just media player? tried playing games on your comp, does that crash it?
is that any video crashes wmp or just for example avi files? have you tried to re-install wmp and any associated codecs, reinstall graphics drivers, making sure you cleanly remove the old one maybe you will get a error in "administrative tools >> event viewer >> system" look out for unusual error messages etc