Which man believes this man, that he got raped by a woman? The first thing that the police do was to relay the telephone call to their radios of all officers to have a good laugh on that day.... By the way: That report don't say if this man is hetero or homo. That would explain everything.
If it was the other way around, the prosecutors wouldn't think twice about filing the charges. Oh I love the double standards.
how can she perform oral sex against his will ... =\ haha forreal, if he said he way gay, then people will probably believe him ..
“She invited him up for a little midnight snack,” er......... don't tell me he actually thought this? oh gosh. how naive. maybe more guys should be like this. lol
Hey he was hungry. Hence he was focused on food, interpreted midnight snack in that way and nothing else. -bigsmile
well " you can't rape the willing" so I'm guesing he was very unwilling. Why cant a man be raped anyways??
That's why more male rape victim don't come forward. Female rape victim gets sympathy, while male ones get ridiculed.
hmm...people have to think if a guy said he got rapped....but a girl scream rape and theres a mob of police cars at the guy's house....
it's so uncommon that a man gets raped -lol He was under influence........so he how could he know that he said No.... Isn't he a dude......how could that woman do something against his will? unless that woman is some kind of grizzly bear Maybe he lost his strenght by her *** oral attack .....