Woman sues over sex harassment, sacking

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by BLR, Oct 30, 2009.

  1. BLR

    BLR Well-Known Member

    Hong Kong has a lot of perverts and other sex related issues.

    Woman sues over sex harassment, sacking
    Loretta Fong
    Oct 31, 2009
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    A saleswoman who is suing her former employer for sexual harassment and unlawful dismissal says she continuously rejected her superior's sexual advances, according to a writ filed in the District Court yesterday.

    The former Marcus Evans (Asia) employee, whose identity was not disclosed, claims in the writ that she was "embarrassed, offended, insulted and humiliated" by general manager David Roy Burton.

    The woman, who is identified as Miss L in the writ, is seeking a declaration that Burton's conduct was unlawful.

    She is also seeking HK$77,039 for loss of income, damages for injury to feelings and a written apology from Burton. The writ says she was earning HK$14,112 during her employment from September 18, 2007, to October 24, 2007.

    According to the writ, filed by the Equal Opportunities Commission, L attended a job interview conducted by Burton on August 3, 2007.

    On three occasions - after the interview and before she was offered the job - Burton allegedly sent SMS messages to her mobile phone. The messages said "Missing you already", "You were a very special lady and I hope we could become more than friends" and "Good morning L, are you having a nice weekend?"

    The woman was offered the job on August 10, but before she started work Burton allegedly invited her to dinner at the Excelsior Hotel.

    During dinner, Burton told L about "sexual relationships" he had had with colleagues and made statements with sexual overtones. He also invited her to dance, but she refused.

    After dinner, Burton took her to the office on the pretext of showing her around and asked her to dance again, the writ says. He also asked her to go to a hotel. L rejected all his requests.

    Between September 18 and October 15, Burton allegedly made sexual advances at work. On one occasion, he stood close and leered at her while putting one hand on his private parts. On another, he was accused of stroking her thigh. He also allegedly told her he wanted to have sex.

    After she rejected Burton's continuous sexual advances, he became rude and made groundless criticism of her performance, the writ says.

    On October 24, she was given a dismissal letter with immediate effect. He also injured her wrist causing bruises when she tried to seize the letter from him, the writ says.

    L did not find another job until April 8 last year.
  2. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    "Good morning L, are you having a nice weekend?"

    OMG, clearly a rapist...
  3. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    i hate to say this but almost all americans (non-azn) and european have the mentality that they can go to any azn countries and get anything they want ... lol.. especially when they can even get away with crimes too. their western passports are like a bulletproof suit for them and $$$ of course. yeah .. some azn do that .. a lesser percentage ... lol

    i am NOT surprised by this case cuz the guy is obviously having the same mentality; a piece of meat .. lol combined with slutty sign of hk gals these days .. well, too bad that the less left of decent gals are being dragged in with it ..
  4. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    lol u being sarcastic or for real?

    whatever the result will be, its on the news and should've caught the attention, gluck
  5. WeakNiZ

    WeakNiZ Well-Known Member

    She got proof for all this?