lol, the topic title should be: Would you buy a chinese car? Crash test at a speed of 64 km/hour of the new chinese car ZhongHua [youtube]F06LjugtIUo[/youtube] Crash test of another crash test [youtube]g5SRyG6UR2A...ted&search=[/youtube] This is how a car should crash properly [youtube]l7Nbzd5n7a0[/youtube] well, after seeing this, would you buy a chinese car? You should be proud at your cars from your own country as said in Drive of Life....
nope, when there are plenty of other more reliable, safer and desirable cars around, which im sure are just as cheap
it's great that china is getting into the car business, but they seriously need to step up in the safety department..
omg, why buy a chinese car when there are just as cheap cars from other companies with higher safeties.
I would definitely not buy it even if it was a lot cheaper and chinese. The fact that the frame buckled so much means that all the safety equipment (ie- seatbelts, airbags) won't guarantee that you won't be seriously injured
even kias or hyundai's are safer than them...before i turn to buying chinese cars i'd rather buy korean cars.
Nope, i don't think i would ever buy a chinese car. I would even buy a North American car first before i buy a chinese car. But would prefer to buy Japanese.
those are just fake! They lied to us! Dont watch Drive of Life! Its just a movie! These crashtest are real!
-ohmyhumm i though "The Drive of Life" was real cos the preview of that film said it was filmed on a actual factory wen every 1 was really working
the car factory was a real in "drive of Life". Although chinese cars have the basic looks and structure, equipment levels and basic comfort, it cannot match the safety standards of other asians cars let alone euriopean safety, and thats because chinese makers are still unexperienced and underresourced to design and experiement on safety aspects, due to the fact they are targeting low-price small car segments for young buyers or those with low income.