Would you break up with your girl if she got fat?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by madlyinlove, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. madlyinlove

    madlyinlove Active Member

    Inspired from the 'does appearance matters" topic haha.

    So if your girlfriend got fat (whatever you consider to be 'fat') and refused to lose weight would you break up with her?

    I would say no because if you've already fallen in love with the person looks are irrelevant. Beauty is measured to some degree but outer beauty means nothing if a person doesn't have any good trait. Someone can look good on the outside and be ugly in the inside. Thus in answering this questions think to yourself what matters more, outer beauty or inner beauty?
  2. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    Sounds like something a fat person would ponder between a trip to McDonalds & the ice cream shop.

    Yes, I would break up with her. Physical attraction is still part of a relationship and I don't find overweight girls attractive. Being fat is one thing, but being fat AND refusing to lose weight and letting yourself go to waste is another thing. If I can take care of myself and my body, why can't she?
  3. lala_bel_tempo

    lala_bel_tempo Well-Known Member

    i would suggest she do so, if not i would tell her my attraction is starting to fade lol.

    because i prefer skinny girls, thats just me.

    However, i would not force her but just leave her the choice.
  4. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    FUCKING YES .. she can crush you in bed with her FAT ass ... lol
  5. BestOffer

    BestOffer Well-Known Member

    see if ur gf was at 100lb avg person and went to 200lb, see if u would say the same thing; is easy to say in words;
  6. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    it takes REAL TRUE LOVE in order for a guy to say no to that question and that is probably less than 1% of the population lol...
    there are people who like BBW but then they weren't skinny to start with so its a different topic

    and guys are meant to be shalllow =p
  7. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    ^ no guy can stand a "fat pig" and that 1% of true love you said don't exist .. cuz that 1% will still wanna change the gal; perhaps sticking to her and making sure she's loose the weight; not truly accepting the way she is: FAT.
  8. lala_bel_tempo

    lala_bel_tempo Well-Known Member

    lol, its in a guy's nature to be some what shallow regardless. Just think about this, how often

    do you see a good looking girl with a fat ugly guy? or just fat? and vice-versa

    Usually a fat ugly person would defend them selve with the inner beauty aspects LOL

    Anyways, this is what matters to me:

    good looks, to attract me first, then the inner beauty lol.
  9. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    nooooooooooooooo the question should be........wat if she was RICH!!!!
  10. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    ^ if you hold on to the fat pig just for the $$$, why not become a gigolo.
  11. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    Can you see the ca$h at the end of the tunnel while a fat, sweaty girl is laying on top of you, kdotc? :laugh2:
  12. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    lol........they $$$$ will be worth it in the end...i can buy a bunch of skinny girls hahahahahahahaah
  13. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    ^ can you make it out in one piece .. like the guy said earlier .. she can crush you w/ her fat ass .. i mean "your little bro" is gone .. even if you have the cash to get skinny gals later .. can't enjoy it though ... lol
  14. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    ^ lol oh gosh, you two are planting disturbing images in my head :wtf:
  15. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    how disturbing can it be if you can picture it in your head .. lol .. you're probably enjoying it ... lol
  16. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    lol by "guy" are you referring to peachey? hahahahahhaahahahhaha

    but yo i don't gota do nutin with her but spend quality time ;) so its a win win situation for me...but yo im not a gold digger this is all a joke lol
  17. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    yuckkkk you sicko!! :(
  18. lala_bel_tempo

    lala_bel_tempo Well-Known Member


    hahahaha, i agreee
  19. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    i know ..
  20. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    yarrr i don't want my hot gf to turn into a slob