guy friends? My friend and I were having a conversation the other day and she told me that her cousin in law doesn't like it when his wife (her cousin) hangs out with her guy friends.
There will be no other guys for a 50 mile radius from our mountain cabin. She's allowed either a hamster or a beaver for a chat buddy, but not both. [FONT="] [/FONT]
Why not? If she cheats on you, she'll do it and there's nothing you can do about it beside filing for divorce. Marriage is based on solid trust. If you have one slight doubt about your relationship/marriage, then both people should talk it over before things get ugly and irreversible. The gal should also have some sort of self control so that she's not sending out wrong messages to her guy friends. Believe it or not; some married gals do dress very sexy as if they need the extra attention and even friendly flirt with people.
its beyond ones' control, but when u dress a certain way and create chances, that's when things get bad. its normal to have guy friends, opposite gender, but there's a line though. nadda mean.
Your friend's cousin in law sounds like a control freak. Just because you're married to someone doesn't mean you can't have your own social life. I hate jealous, control freaks. hahaha you're a funny guy.
if i have a wife i would prefer a no cause i dont trust other guys. but then again if u love her, u'll let her do wat she wants. but then if she ever cheated on ur trust, then say no more.