So would you mind if your bf/gf is not a virgin? What's your feelings if they tell you that they are not? Would you also ask him/her if they had any sexual partners before?
i would hope that my gf is still a virgin but nowadays its not likely that ppl keep their virginity till marriage so w/e =/
i would hope she is a virgin too but its pretty hard to find a girl like that these days i would suppose. fortunately/unfortuantely most of my closer female friends are virgins haah so they do exist!
I don't mind... it's more than just that in a relationship... what do you think Nawainruk, since you started this thread?
well if i were to marry i would love to have my wife be a virgin.... but it most likely won't be the case because if she was when i started dating her..... i highly doubt i could wait till after marriage to take it away....... LOL.... but to answer the topic: No i would not mind having a virgin girlfriend
Virginity is about your trust and generally about what kind of person you are....towards you signifcant other(s).
lol i would like to ask, who is a virgin nowdays lol , very low chance of finding a virgin for a GF Boy : u a virgin? Girl 1 : no Boy : OUT, next Girl 2 : No
lol ppl are too picky, apparently Virgins are innocent and Non Virgins are Lan Cha jar? lol such as in the old days, if u werent married and not a virgin u had to hop into a Piggie cage and drowned in water
lol phil is kinda right but its just that weird feeling >.> like dang someone hit that already lol jk but i would mind if my girl wasnt a virgin but thats just me
DEF. agreed. But you gotta look at it from both ways. If you are a virgin yourself than its reasonable to want a virgin gf/bf but if you arent, you shouldnt expect as much.
virgin girls are very clingy, from experience. I don't mind my gf not being a virgin, at least i know she is experienced. Who cares about their past, you like them for who they are present.