Would You Rather Your Crush Like Your BEST FRIEND or ENEMY?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by mint_T, Oct 3, 2006.


best friend or enemy?

  1. best friend

    7 vote(s)
  2. enemy

    7 vote(s)
  1. mint_T

    mint_T Well-Known Member


    At first I was thinking best friend for sure, but then I think it'd be too painful seeing the 2 of them together all the time. If he liked my enemy on the other hand, then I'd get over him more quicklier because he probably isn't all that great himself, so it'd be easier for me to forget him :p. So I'll probably go with enemy.
  2. PhY pHy

    PhY pHy Well-Known Member

    LOL...^ ur rite...i would say enemy...
    cuz of wut u sed..nd u can alwayz
    trie to take him back...cuz shes ur emeny..
    ao no worries...where as ur bffl...u
    cant be a bad frd nd steal him away
    from her...shed be hurt by the guy and u..
  3. The_One

    The_One Active Member

    Best friend. If he were to get with my enemy, then I'd have 2 enemies!
  4. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    i'd rather my crush like my enemy, which he does right now. he is so off my hot list now LOL
  5. asianmoviefan

    asianmoviefan Member

    Best friend

    He must be terrific for me to have a crush on. I absolutely don't wish for my enemy to get a great guy like him. My best friend, on the other hand, can have him.
  6. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    best friend, i guess. i mean i'd whine and cry about it... but at least he wouldn't be with someone i hate.

    however if my best friend and my crush ever broke up, it'd be awkward to go out with him. which would suck majorly.

    i dont know anymore. =(
  7. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I agree. Obviously, if I paid interest to a guy, he'd be a really great guy [​IMG] so of course I wouldn't want to see him with someone I dislike. If he likes my best friend, it'll be painful, but I think it's better losing him to someone I trust rather than someone I despise.
    #7 peachey, Oct 4, 2006
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2006
  8. enermy... coz i got no enermy therfor he's all mine... muwahahahaha
  9. PhY pHy

    PhY pHy Well-Known Member

    Well this is depending on if u plan to
    get him back or not...if u are..den
    enemy...but if ur letting it be..den
    bestfrd...but i already voted...so oh wells..
  10. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    I doubt many girls will still be interested in the guy if they happen to find out that he has bad taste [​IMG]
  11. PhY pHy

    PhY pHy Well-Known Member

    LOL..well..not all enemies are all bad in taste...
    its jsut dat an enemy is osmeone u hate so it
    makes u think she is bad taste...but if i really
    like dat guy id fight for him...but dats just me..
    in my dreams...id never do dat...im very shy
    in Love and relationships...lol..nd scared to..lol
  12. cheanyau

    cheanyau Member

    hard to choose..it's best if choose me but since like tat den i would choose enemy..
    cos i can forget her easier
  13. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    But if you hate her, obviously she has a very serious flaw in character, right? And if the guy you like falls for her, you'll have to start wondering whether this guy is really as great as you thought he was or... something else [​IMG]
  14. *momo

    *momo Well-Known Member

    i'd rather it be an enemy although that would be bad because it would make me hate my enemy more. haha. eh thats mean T--T
  15. babyyjuju

    babyyjuju Well-Known Member

    i think bestfriend because if its me compared to enemy. i dont think i would stop thinking about what she got better than me. instead my bestfriend whose always there for me. why would i need a guy to replace my friend and make her become enemy. it jsut aint worth it. so i pick bestfriend : )
  16. wow.. that's very kind of you...
  17. PhY pHy

    PhY pHy Well-Known Member

    well..everyone must of hate or
    dislike someone...no one is
    perfect...like rite now...someone
    doesnt like me...or hate me...
    everyone has flaws...but its jsut
    how you see them...ther must
    be a reason for u to hate her...
    thers actually nothing really to
    do wif the guy...
  18. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    Well, I guess you could think of it that way.

    But for me personally, I rarely hate anyone, so I like to think that for me to hate a person, he/she must have an extremely serious flaw in character that cannot be denied [​IMG]
  19. rNb99

    rNb99 Well-Known Member

    hmmm i think it really doesn't matter...i will be happy either way...i'm happy as long as everyone's happy...beside i don't have any enemy in my whole life...not yet anyway... =)
  20. usually its the best friend who turns into the enemy...