Is it ok to still wear jewellery your ex gave you for your 21st birthday? It was a mutual break up, and you guys are still friends within your circle of friends. Although the jewellery does not necessarily remind you of your ex, but you genuinely like that piece of jewellery. Is it wrong to wear on a regular basis? (obviously not everyday) What are your views?
i dont see a problem with wearing...if you likey the design etc... plus you said it was a mutual i think its okies la
I would understand if you wouldn't want to wear the jewellery in front of your ex, but aside from that, I don't see the purpose in treating the jewellery in question as some sort of cursed object, and not wear it... If my ex gave me a nice watch, I wouldn't wear it in front of her, but aside from that, if the watch fits my dressing style of the day, I'd wear it.
i dont see it as a major problem unless the jewellery has lots of hearts on it, then theres a major problem
Objects don't have a value unless we put value into them. Before your value may have been to make your ex happy by wearing the piece of jewelery, but now it's just for the reason of fashion. If your current partner is upset because you still have that piece of jewelery then tell them to buy you one that's more fashionable and you'll put more value into that. WIN WIN One a side note, if you can't let go of that piece of jewelry then that's entirely your problem.
Obviously you see enough significance in the piece of jewellery to raise the question - otherwise you wouldn't see wearing the item as a problem?! Wearing the jewellery or not does not really matter...its what you feel inside that matters.
i don't understand why my most recent 2 ex would return almost everything to me after we broke up, including tshirts and jewelry. what did they think I'm going to do with used tshirts? and the jewelry?? i'd rather they keep it
what happens next time you see the ex and he thinking to himself oh she still missing me? still wearing the stuff i brought her?
My coworker told me something slightly twisted but pretty funny. She said that she used to have Ex-jewelry swapping nights with her girlfriends where they would then get rid of something that was from their ex and pick a different piece of jewelry from someone else's ex-gifts pile. They all then have a piece of jewelry that they don't have any emotional ties to, but that they like. I mean, you don't really want to think of the person whenever you're wearing it. You don't want your ex to think that you have any other reason for wearing it besides liking that item. You don't want your new significant other to think that you still have lingering feelings, so get rid of it by swapping. Sounds pretty smart to me actually. Objects have no value if you don't give it any, but we are human. We WILL give objects emotional value.
Hi Bextung, I agreed with Louis, we know it has given by your ex, but the gift is gift. You have to wear it. Thanks